Return of Emilie death of Nathalie

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"Mayura you never told me that!" Hawkmoth yelled

"I know because you would disagree but you also know that there is a price to pay!" Mayura said

"Yes but you also know that I try my best keep my Akumas away from Adrien not knowing he's Cat noir and Nathalie!" 

"Well, I'd rather be the price than your own son!" Mayura yelled bursting into tears

"Wait, Father Nathalie?" Adrien said 

"Please don't do this to yourself I don't want to lose you like I lost her I would never forgive myself for what I put you in... Nathalie! Nathalie where did you go!" Hawkmoth said looking around the room

"Oh, this is bad really really bad!"

"Why is it bad?" Marinette asked

"It's bad because she can be anywhere in Paris ready to make a wish that will end her life!" Hawkmoth said in a panic

"Well can't you just track her down by felling her emotions," Marinette said

"Do you know the meaning of heartless! I won't be able to track her down because she rarely has emotions strong enough to track her down! No matter what she feels it would be too late because by the time I would be feeling her last emotion..." Hawkmoth said jumping out the window

"Marinette we need to do something!"

"We can go after them as Multimouse and Aspik," Marinette said

"That's a great idea now let's hurry!" Adrien said dragging her out of the house and to her's

"Mayura! Mayura please stop hiding!" Hawkmoth yelled looking around the city

"Don't be bemused it's just the news Nadia Chamack here and it seems that Hawkmoth had an argument with his wife and is now trying to find her."

"No wonder Gabriel Agreate never leaves his house anymore." Hawkmoth said annoyed

"Are you saying you're the cause of his inactive behavior with the public?"

"Can you just stop it with the questions!" Hawkmoth yelled as he broke the camera in half with his staff

"It looks like someone has anger issues," Aspik said

"Says the one who goes crazy over a shirt that has a picture of Ladybug,"" Hawkmoth growled

"You what!?!" Multimouse said surprised

"Oh it's nothing but now finding Mayura is more important," Aspik said embarrassed

"Your right let's go."

"Let's I'd rather go alone then be see in public walking beside you too," HAwkmoth said

"Rude it's a privilege to walk beside me," Aspik said with a sassy tone

"Hawkmoth's right to won't look good if were found with him looking for someone it would give people ideas that we joined him or he joined us. So it's a good idea if we split."

"Roger that my lady," Aspik said jumping away with Mulitmouse

~With Mayura~

"Don't feel emotion because if you do he will find me," Mayura said roaming the alleyways of Paris trying to calm down

"I see someone is trying to find there way out so that they can just end there own life." Hawkmoth said startling her

"It's better this way..."

"And how is it better if you die?"

"It's better because you will be happier with your family again like it was years ago when you didn't drink so much when you slept when you were happy and I'd love for that to happen again even if it means I won't live anymore... your happiness is more important to me then your life and it will always be," Mayura said going to go the lair leaving hawkmoth confused

"But why? Why would I be so important to her that she will risk her life for me?" Hawkmoth thought

~In the lair~

"Duusu fall my feathers," Mayura said turning back into Nathalie

"Ms.Nathalie please don't do this the Agreste's need you more then they need Ms.Emilie."

"I made my decision Duusu and I'm not changing it," Nathalie said as she put on the ring and the earings

"Tiki spots on! Tiki Plagg unify!"

"With the power of creation and destruction, I make my wish to trade my life for Emilie Agreste's life so she may live with her family

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"With the power of creation and destruction, I make my wish to trade my life for Emilie Agreste's life so she may live with her family... Tikki Plagg divide."

"Now let's see how far I can get before the wish is granted..."

"You're still trying to run!?!" Duusu said 

"Yes, I am. Duusu spread my feathers!" Nathalie said transforming back to Mayura

"Did you change your mind?" Hawkmoth said walking towards her 

"No, I didn't," Mayura answered

"Well can you give me the miraculous please I don't want you to make that wish..."

"You can have them I don't need them anymore," Mayura said handing Hawkmoth the miraculous

"Why won't you– Mayura!" Hawkmoth said as he caught her

"So this is where your lair is..." Multimouse said jumping through the window along with Aspik

"What was all the noise about?" Aspik asked as Hawkmoth turned to show them Mayura

"N-No this cant be please let this be a nightmare!" Aspik said as he burst into tears

"I'm afraid not son..." Hawkmoth said looking down at Mayura

"I'll go to my room..." Aspik said as he left the lair along with Mulitmouse

"I'm guessing that Emilie's back now right?" Hawkmoth said as he ran his fingers through Mayura's hair

"She'll be back in a few minutes," Nathalie said as Hawkmoth turned around surprised

"H-How?" Hawkmoth said looking at Nathalie while holding Mayura

"I'm Your new guardian angel," Nathalie said smiling 

"But how can I see you?" Hawkmoth asked

"I chose to let you see me." She said

"Well I'm glad but you don't need to protect me."

"I was trained for years to protect you trust me you need it."

"Years? You were only gone for a few minutes."

"The time is different in heaven Gabriel."


"Well, I need to go back so Emilie can be with you again," Nathalie said as she started flapping her wings

"When will you come back?" Hawkmoth asked

"When you'll need me."

"But I don't want you to be gone I don't know how long that's going to be..." Hawkmoth said as he put down her body and took off his miraculous

"You'll be ok I promise," Nathalie said reaching for Gabriel

"I never wanted this to happen," Gabriel said as he started crying reaching for Nathalie

"It's going to be alright Gabriel I promise," Nathalie said disappearing from his sight 

"I hope..." He said picking up Mayura's body taking off the brooch in the processes walking towards the coffin where his wife lays

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