I'm here to help

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Nathalie was getting tired of seeing Gabriel upset about something that was ever his fault. And she would feel even worse seeing him cut himself, not eat, not sleep, and drink too much. Why did this need to happen to her why? She would ask in her head. She loves Gabriel don't get her wrong but sometimes she would wonder what would have happened if she was a normal person. But those questions where the last thing on her mind

"S–Sir you have a meeting in an hour," Nathalie said having her distance away from him so she wouldn't get hurt

"Cancel it," Gabriel said drinking another bottle of champagne

"Y–Yes sir," she answered

"I told you not to stutter anymore," Gabriel said throwing a bottle at her head

"Yes sir I'll go take your son to school now." She said walking out the office placing her hand on her head where she's bleeding

"Adrien you need to get ready for school," Nathalie said opening the door

"Nathalie are you ok?!" Adrien said running towards her reaching for her head

"I'm fine Adrien it's just a little blood." She said moving his hand away from her head

"If you say so... but can I at least ask you one question?"

"Shure, what is it, Adrien?"

"Did father do it to you again?"

"Y–Yes," Nathalie said looking down

"Why do you let him do this to you?"

"Because he's stressed..." Nathalie whispered


"I said because he's stressed..."

"But that's no excuse to let him hurt you like that!"

"Don't get upset about something so little Adrien I'll be ok," She said smiling

"If you say so, Nathalie..." Adrien said walking out the room as Nathalie followed him

While they were walking downstairs Nathalie started to feel a little naches so she stopped put her hand against the wall and clutched her stomach.

"Nathalie are you alright?" Adrien asked rubbing her back

"I'm alright just a little naches. Just go downstairs and eat breakfast I'll meet you in a bit... Ok?" Nathalie said walking towards one of the guest rooms

"Ok, Nathalie if you need anything you can always ask..."

"Thank you, Adrien," Nathalie said with a weak smile

When Nathalie was in the guest room she closed the door behind her leaned against the door and sat down

"Ms.Nathalie are you ok?" Duusu asked flying out Nathalie's pocket

"I'll be I'm it's just a little naches."

"Ms.Nathalie it might be an emotion."

"And what emotion are you considering that be?"

"Tiredness, Anger, Stress, Exainety, Fear, Sadness maybe?" Duusu answered

"Why would I be scared?" Nathalie asked

"You're scared to lose your life for Gabriel..."

"W–Why would you say that?"

"I know your planning to die for the sake of Gabriel's happiness but please don't do it his family needs you."

"I'll think about it..." Nathalie said getting up walking to the dining room

"Nathalie, do you feel better?" Adrien asked

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