"Fuck you, Marvel," Cato spat. I got up and looked at the two of them. Marvel had a knife in his hand and an angry look on his face like he was going to kill Cato. "You don't know what I'm feeling. My relationship with her is none of your god damn business."

"When you make her feel the way you do, then it becomes my business. You don't deserve her, and you never will!"

Cato punched him in the face.

"Stop!" I shouted and grabbed Cato's arm. He pulled his arm out of my grasp. "You two are going to fight? Over me? Do you understand how stupid that sounds?"

Maybe just as stupid as the way Glimmer and I looked. Fuck.

"I need to cool off," Marvel said and walked away. "Stay the fuck away from me Cato."

"That won't be hard."

"Stop treating her like shit and then we won't have a problem next time." Marvel was speaking the truth. Cato just didn't like to hear it because in his mind he's the best.

"Shut up," Cato sneered. "But if I can't you touching her again you'll be dead. Do you hear me?" Marvel ignored Cato and took a walk towards the river.

Why does Cato think he can do whatever he wants? But the second I get attention from another guy he punches them in the face. He really is so fucking confusing.

Cato walked off too eventually. I decided to let him be. I sat in the cornucopia for a while since the sun decided to be scorching hot again. I ran a hand through my hair as I watched Cato sit down in the shade of the tree's. I laid down on the cool floor and closed my eyes.


When I woke up from my nap, there was a boy with dark hair that went to his eyebrows sitting down next to Marvel under the tarp that was set up. I walked over and the two boys jumped at the sight of me walking over to them. Who is this kid sitting with Marvel? And where was Cato?

"You need to be careful where you walk now," Marvel said. I looked at him confused.

"Who is this?"


"He's from 3. He helped us re-arm the mines," Marvel said interrupting the young boy. I looked at him.

"Is that even possible?" I asked. They both nodded.

"It surrounds the supplies, anyone who doesn't figure out the way to avoid the mines will be blown to bits," Marvel said. I nodded slowly. I saw Cato walking out from the woods and spun his sword in his hands. He gave me a half smile when he saw I was finally up.

"It's time to go girl on fire hunting," he said. Marvel and I both looked up. "She's still out there. And she deserves to die for almost killing us." All of us stood up. I surprised Cato allowed this kid to come into our group so late into the games. But I guess if the mines will do the job of killing other people and not us, I can't complain. I grabbed a bag, as I usually do along with my knifes.

"You stay here and keep guard while we're gone," Cato instructed. The boy from 3 sat down on a box with a spear in his hands.

Marvel, Cato, and I walked quietly in the woods. No one exchanged any words, and I can't tell if it's because we were trying to be quiet or because it was awkward. Each of us held onto our weapons tightly, not sure where the other tributes were. Thresh and the small girl from his district could be anywhere. I'm not sure if they're even in an alliance together. Katniss could also be anywhere, I haven't heard a cannon in a while. So I'm not sure if Peeta truly is dead.

Or maybe he's waiting to be dead just like the rest of us.

So my statement was wrong, there's seven or eight of us left. But either way, I lasted this long. There's still a small amount of hope forming inside of me that I could go home. The gut wrenching feeling that keeps popping up every once in a while, is because there's only one winner. Home without Cato would be very different. Everyone from home expects him to win. That's why Roland came to me crying when he said his goodbyes. I just want to make them proud.

It makes me angry that I'm not even 18 yet, I've barely lived and I could die in here. Out of spite because of something that happened many many years ago. We can thank our lovely president for that.

"You should check your traps," Cato said. "I have a feeling we're going to catch someone today." I looked at Marvel and he nodded.

"Are you okay to go by yourself?" I asked. "Do you need me to come with you?"

"Marvel's a big boy Kat," Cato answered coldly. I looked at the sticks snapping underneath Cato's feet. The dried blood was still on his sword from Peeta. I saw Marvel nod out of the corner of my eye. He put a hand on my shoulder.

"I'll be right back," he said. I could feel Cato's gaze on the two of us. He didn't say anything though. I nodded and watched him walk in another direction towards his traps that he laid out. It was weird how it was only the three of us left. Well and that other kid. Our group was getting smaller and smaller, until a point where there will be no career group anymore.

"What's that annoying noise?" Cato asked. I looked up into the tree's and could hear Mockingjay's singing the same tune over and over again.


"It's pissing me off how loud they are." I sighed. He always finds something to piss him off. I'm starting to think he likes being mad.

A scream filled out ears.

Cato and I looked at each other in shock. We couldn't tell where the scream came from. But it was a scream that could only come from a girl.


We both took off running. Cato first, I followed soon after him.

"Kat you gotta run faster then that if you want to keep up with me!" Cato shouted. I tried my best to keep up as my wound still continued to heal. I saw Marvel up ahead running towards the sound that we heard too. But suddenly we heard a huge explosion. We both stopped dead in our tracks. We looked at each other and started sprinting back towards camp.

I looked around shocked at all of the bits and pieces of everything we needed to survive in front of us. I looked at the young boy and I ran a hand through my hair.

"What the hell happened," Cato snapped at him.

"I don't know! I turned my back for one second and-" Cato didn't even let him finish his sentence.

He snapped his neck.

I looked away and heard a cannon. I was sick to my stomach as I saw his neck turn in such an odd way.

Oh my god.

I'm going to throw up. My hands fell to my knees as I squeeze my eyes shut. I can't get that out of my head. If my stomach was full, I'm sure I would have actually vomited. But instead I stand here, my head over my knees, sick to my stomach over that sight.

"Fuck!" Cato shouted angrily. He threw his sword and tried to look through the remaining pieces of blown up supplies for anything. I stood up, still feeling quite queazy. Although I was angry too. We truly didn't have any food. None of us knew how to hunt animals. This was all the girl on fire's fault, I know it.

I heard another cannon.

My head popped up in confusion. The sick feeling subsiding inside of me, and now I was  suddenly worried.

"Cato," I said. He looked at me not bothered by the cannon that just went off. "I'm going to find Marvel."

"Not by yourself you're not," he said with concern in his voice. I stood up and grabbed two knives.

"I just heard a cannon, he could be in danger," I said. He grabbed my arm.

"Don't go," he said with his eyebrows scrunched. "I can't protect you if you're not with me."

Another cannon followed.

And I just took off running, for once completely ignoring everything Cato was shouting at me.


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