Kris rolled her eyes at him before she turned back. She was surprised to find Genesis was still standing next to the door. She felt her cheeks start to heat slightly as he watched her walk back to him, but she shoved the feeling down as she approached. "What now?"

It took him several seconds to reply, and Kris almost wanted to fidget. She managed to keep from it, barely. Her nerves were not improved when he finally spoke.

"You do realize your clothes are completely distracting?"

She looked down and then back up in confusion. She had picked clothes that would be easy to move in, but the stretchy material clung close to her skin. When she finally realized what he meant by his comment, she couldn't hide the heat in her cheeks, but she still gave him a grin. She wasn't sure what his game was, but that didn't mean she had plans of losing. "That was not my intention, but I suppose I will take any advantage I can get."

At that point, she turned to the weapons racks to look for a staff that she felt she could use. She hadn't brought her own because she didn't want to be harassed for carrying a weapon into the Shinra Headquarters. When she finally found one that she felt was well balanced, she turned back to see Genesis had also chosen to pick a practice weapon instead of using his own sword. She hadn't thought about it before that point, but she was glad. Hopefully, it meant that the worst she had to worry about would be bruises.

Once they both had their weapons, Kris followed Genesis to a cleared area in the middle of the room. When they faced each other, all chattering stopped. Genesis gave her a bow with his hand over his heart before he spoke. "I will hold back my strength, but please do not feel the need to restrain yourself. I look forward to what you can do."

Kris had been nervous when silence descended, but she cleared her mind. This would not be like sparring with Zack. This would be more like fighting monsters, and she had to treat it the same. When Genesis spoke, she raised a brow at his presumptuousness and grinned despite herself. "Don't worry about me. I've had worse odds before."

She didn't know where her trash talk was coming from as she was sure he would wipe the floor with her, but she couldn't stand the way he hadn't lost his grin. He knew he was going to win, and she agreed. She understood his arrogance to a point, but his attitude irked her.

At that point, Genesis took a step back, and Kris crouched slightly with the staff to her side. She tensed for whatever move he would make, as she didn't plan on being the first to move. It didn't take long for him to lunge at her with a swipe. Her heart sped up, but she didn't let fear take her. She focused on the sword and its wielder and ducked away. It passed close to her face, and she had to swallow.

At first, she wondered if his aim was due to regularly fighting much larger men. If that were the case, his strike would be around chest high for them, and that made sense. After the third time she ducked, though, she realized he was either aiming for her face or trying to herd her somewhere. She wasn't interested in finding out either way. When he swung again, she ducked backward and allowed the momentum to guide her into a backflip. She used the motion to kick his arm aside and nearly kick his chin. He had to jump back to avoid it.

She flipped once more before she came up into a crouch. She grinned at the surprised look he shot her. After that, he started to change up his strikes. She was effortlessly able to avoid them. If he struck low, she jumped and used his lowered arms as an opportunity to strike at his head. If he aimed high, she would jab at his abdomen. Neither of them had connected yet. That fact surprised Kris, but if his face was anything to go by, it surprised Genesis more.

That thought had her grinning again. When he caught sight of it, his face transformed into a blank mask. She knew it was probably unwise to continue to provoke him, but her grin widened. She was having far more fun than she expected to. After several more minutes, Kris could feel herself starting to tire. It had been a long time since she had such a workout, and she knew that with Genesis' Soldier enhancements, it was only a matter of time before she ended up getting hit. She decided that if she were going out, she would do it with a bang.

She waited until he struck at her legs again. She then jumped and feinted towards his face with a jab. He brought his sword up to block and turned his head to the side to avoid the strike. She took advantage of that and dropped into a roll, away from the direction he was facing. She came up behind him. She knew she only had a split second before he turned, so she sprinted toward a nearby bench and used it to launch herself into to air. Her staff whistled as it came down. Genesis turned just in time to see the long piece of metal coming straight for him. For the first time during their spar, he was forced to use all his speed to avoid getting hit. When he brought his sword up to block the blow, he instinctively used his other hand to push her back. Since she was still midair, the strike caused her to go flying, and she struck the wall with a loud thud before she fell.

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