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Chapter 54

Kris shot up with a scream. Her hand flew to her mouth as a wave of nausea hit her. She looked around frantically at the unfamiliar surroundings. She almost lost it right there, but light coming out of a slightly opened door revealed a bathroom. She gritted her teeth and tried to untangle from the covers in a rush. She nearly fell out of bed but managed to make it before her stomach emptied itself.

She was so panicked that she had not noticed Genesis had been in bed with her. At her mad scramble, he woke and was quickly by her side. She flinched at his touch when he tried to soothe her. Had she not been violently ill, she probably would have screamed. It took her a moment to recognize his voice and finally relaxed.

By that time, they both realized a certain Puppy was banging on the door and yelling. "Kris! Are you alright?"

Genesis sighed but called out. "The door is unlocked. Make sure the others stay out." He doubted Kristobel would appreciate an audience.

Zack was almost instantly standing in the bathroom doorway and looking on with concern. "Is she okay?"

Kris groaned and heaved herself into a sitting position. She was still crying, but she wiped at her mouth and gave him a nod. "I'm sorry for scaring you."

Zack's eyes widened as he looked down at her. Genesis was staring in shock as well. Kris was shakily trying to get to her feet and missed both looks. Genesis shook his stupor off quickly and helped her to sit on a chair next to the bathroom. "Wait here."

She gave him a nod, and he re-entered the bathroom and brought back a glass of water. While she started sipping on it to clear the nasty taste, Zack finally spoke. "Sis, what happened to you? Your eyes... can you see?"

She looked up with confusion. "Of course, I'm looking at you, aren't I?"

Genesis had knelt by her side and took one of her hands. "Love, you have no irises."

"What?" Kris felt a slight panic at his words. Instead of answering, he stood and went back into the bathroom once more. He returned with a small hand mirror. Kris swallowed before she held it up, and gasped at what she saw. She no longer had the onyx eyes she was used to seeing. In their place was a swirling blue. There were no whites or pupils, simply blue. They were almost mesmerizing, even to her as she watched the color eddy.

It was several moments before she looked back to them with a sigh. "Well, the Goddess did say that I would be changed." The two men shared a worried look.

After her announcement, Zack knelt as well. "Can you tell us what happened back there? One second Seph looked like he was about to attack that woman, and the next, she's plunging a weapon into your back. And it didn't even cause a wound."

Kris weakly patted his shoulder. "Would you mind if I cleaned up and got a little more rest before I try to deal with this? I know you all deserve an explanation, but I just can't, not right now."

Zack gave her a worried look but finally nodded and stood. "I'll tell them we will talk about it tomorrow."

She grabbed his hand before he could turn and leave. "I can hear Sephiroth pacing in the hallway. Let them know that I'm okay, but don't mention my eyes. Please."

Both men gave her curious looks. They could hear the footfalls as well, but neither expected an unenhanced person to be able to. It seemed as though there were more changes than just her eyes, but that was something that could be discussed later. Zack gave her a nod and kissed her cheek before he turned and left.

Once her brother was gone, she tried to stand and nearly fell on her face. Genesis was, thankfully, there to help her. She sighed as she eyed the bathroom longingly. She felt disgusting. When she had woken, she was clammy, and the sticky sweat had dried. She was nearly sick again at the feeling.

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