Still Work to be Done

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Chapter 66

Kris had nearly forgotten the fact that Tseng had been there too until he spoke up as the others were leaving. "Somehow, I feel as though I have not gotten the full extent of your potential as a Turk." He paused and raised a brow at the evil look Genesis shot his way. He ignored it as he turned to leave. "Still, I suppose congratulations are in order. Just don't forget that even if you don't heal Commander Hewely, there is much that needs to be done. We can discuss everything tomorrow."

Genesis growled and started to go after Tseng, but Kris grabbed his hand. He huffed and sat back next to her. It was several silent moments before he finally took a deep breath and spoke. "Are you really so opposed to the idea of having a child with me?"

Kris flinched at the hard note in his voice. She didn't bother trying to mask her pain when she looked up. "No, Genesis. Children were something I wasn't even considering yet, but when I look at you, I know that if things were different, I would probably be over the moon right now. I love you, and any child we create out of love would be more than I could ask for."

She saw his shoulders drop slightly before he pulled her close. This time she melted into him and let him soothe her. "Love, I know the timing for this is not ideal, but when I think of you carrying my child, all I can feel is overwhelming happiness."

As much as Kris agreed with him, his words still tore her heart. She only let the embrace go on a little longer before she pulled back and tried to wipe away her tears. "It's not that easy. Have you considered the possible ramifications if I'm not allowed to finish?"

Genesis glared at her and stood. He paced to the other side of the room and gritted his teeth. It was several seconds before he spoke again. "I do not care what the consequences are. You have already endangered both of you enough without knowing. I am sure I will not be alone in saying it can wait. Nothing is worth the possibility of harming our child."

Kris felt the knife twist in her chest as she stood as well. She shook her head and swallowed to work loose the knot that had formed. She didn't want to say what was on her mind out loud, but there was no other choice. Genesis could not keep ignoring the reality they were in. "Nothing? How about the end of the world? The death of our friends and countless others? What would it be worth then? If we don't take this chance, then what kind of world will our child be born into? Is that the life you want for all of us?"

Genesis took a step toward her with a growl before he turned and slammed his fist onto the wall. Kris jumped at the sound, but didn't back down, even when he turned back with a snarl. "You do not know that will happen. Besides, both Sephiroth and I are protected. We are more than enough to subdue any challenge."

He then walked to her and grabbed both her arms in a tight grip. She could tell he was barely holding back his temper, but his voice dropped into a tone so cold she wanted to shiver. "I do not ever again want to hear you speak so lightly of harming our child. Even if it is only a possibility."

Kris jerked away. She couldn't handle it. This was already hard enough without her lover becoming territorial and unreasonable. "Lightly? You think that even the thought of anything happening doesn't rip my heart out? I feel like any choice I make is going to condemn someone. The idea that it falls to me to make that choice is terrifying. I can't-"

She was cut off as a sob worked its way out. She buried her face in her hands in the vain attempt to block out the rest of the world for a short while. She jumped when she felt Genesis' arms around her again. He was still frowning, but his voice had softened. "Love, let it go for now. We need time to absorb this, and then we can discuss everything tomorrow with the rest of the team. I have no doubt that they will agree with me, but just rest for now."

Kris felt like her head and heart were both going to explode. This should be happy news, and yet it was tearing her to pieces. Maybe he was right. Maybe she needed to rest and think about every angle before she worked herself into fits. She finally nodded. "That sounds like a plan."

She put one of her hands on his cheek as she looked up, and his eyes softened. "I'm sorry that I ruined this with worry. Zack was right, this should be a happy occasion. In a perfect world, I would have kissed you silly and not stopped laughing once I got over the news."

He covered her hand with one of his own for a moment before he twined their fingers together and kissed her forehead. His eyes were still stormy, but his voice only held love. "There is no hate, only joy, for you are beloved by the Goddess. I must have faith that you were correct. The goddess would not give you a task you cannot complete. However, know that I will not give up looking for other options. Call me greedy, but I want it all, and I am not afraid to fight for it if I must. All I ask is that you give me time."

Kris closed her eyes against the pain in her chest but gave him a nod. "Nothing is going to happen right away. We can afford a little time. I hope."

Genesis was not given a chance to respond before they heard a knock. He glared at his door before he snapped out. "Why are you interrupting?"

They were both shocked when it was his mother that came in with a tray. She took it to the desk and set it down before she turned to them both with a hopeful smile. "I understand how hard the first few months of pregnancy can be. I may not have carried Genesis, but I did once- well, the point is that I thought this might help with your sickness. The tea should help settle your stomach, and the soup and bread are both mild. It was the least I could do."

Kris was struck dumb as she suddenly felt tears in her eyes again. She briefly wondered why she wasn't dehydrated with as much as she had been crying. She shook the thought off and gave the woman a smile. "Thank you. I appreciate it."

Mrs. Rhapsodos gave her a nod before she turned to leave. She was stopped when Genesis called out. She turned back, and both women were surprised when he placed a hand on her shoulder. "Mother, you have my thanks as well. For now and earlier."

They could all tell there were many things left unsaid, but it was enough. The woman's eyes were shining with unshed tears as she smiled up at her son. "Anything for you. All you need to do is ask."

Genesis looked away uncomfortably, but his mother only smiled again and nodded to them both before she excused herself. Once she was gone, Genesis turned to the tray and immediately started preparing a cup of tea. He sniffed it and chuckled before he handed it over. "That smells like chamomile and ginger. I remember drinking that any time I was sick. Hopefully, it works as well for you as it did for me."

Kris took it with a grateful nod. She tentatively sniffed it and hoped it wouldn't set off her nausea again. Thankfully it smelled as soothing as it had sounded. She took a few sips before she sat down at the desk. Genesis put his hand on the cover of the bowl before she could lift it. When she gave him a questioning look, he pointed to the cup in her hand. "Finish that first. If you can drink it all, then by the time you are done, you should be alright to eat without being sick again."

Kris looked up at him for several seconds as many different emotions passed through her. It must have shown on her face as Genesis gave her a worried look. When she saw it, she set the cup down and stood to kiss him on the cheek. He raised a brow at the motion but didn't get to ask. Kris already took his face in her hands and was smiling up at him. "I think you will be a wonderful father. I'm glad I have you here with me."

He took her hands before he bent and kissed her softly. He was wearing a smirk when he stood, but Kris could still see the pain in his eyes. "Perhaps I had better role models for the job than I once believed."

Kris gave him a reassuring smile, but he didn't allow her to respond. He instead gently pushed on her shoulders. "Finish your tea and then your soup. I will be right here to make sure you can get it all down."

Kris snickered under her breath at the stern look he was giving her but didn't argue. By that time, she was already exhausted again. She was looking forward to finishing this meal so she could go back to bed. She just hoped that things somehow looked clearer for her in the morning.

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