Brighter Than the Stars

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Chapter 43

Kris vacillated several times on whether she would wear the dress that night or not. She still hadn't made up her mind until after she showed it to Zack when he got home. Her brother had been awed that she was even thinking about it. His attitude finally helped her decide, and she was currently picking at the neckline for probably the hundredth time as Zack was getting the last of his things so they could go. They were going to meet everyone else there.

When Zack caught her playing with a sleeve, he paused and gave her a frown. His voice was low with his concern. "You know, you don't have to wear it just because he asked you to."

Kris froze and lowered her hands before she gave him a smile. "He didn't."

Zack gave her a confused look, so she continued. "He didn't ask me to wear it. He told me that he would like to see me in it someday, but the choice was mine. He said even if I decided to never wear it, he wanted me to keep it because he wanted me to have a reminder that he believed in me and my strength to overcome anything."

By the time she was finished, Zack was staring at her slack-jawed. Kris laughed at the look. It was just what she needed to remind her why she had decided to wear it in the first place. She gave her brother a grin and poked his side to make him move. "Let's get going before we're late."

He gave her a nod as he grabbed the keys. They were halfway to the train station before he spoke. "Did he really say all that?"

Kris laughed at him and nodded. "Yeah." She wrapped her arms around herself as she shivered. Not that she was cold, but the feel of the air on her skin was still unfamiliar. She didn't mind it when she thought about Genesis' words.

Zack watched her with growing awe. She had always been so strong and capable, but she was scarred emotionally to match the ones on her limbs. He hadn't been sure she would ever be able to get over them, even though he should have known she would eventually. She just needed the right motivation, like everything else she ever tackled.

When they got to the bar, they didn't need to ask where their group was seated. There was a large table in the back corner that was full already, and they could hear Reno from the doorway. It was at that point that Kris grabbed Zack's arm and gave him a worried look. "Did you warn Reno that Genesis was coming?"

Zack's only response was a devious grin. Kris laughed and grinned back. For Zack, it wasn't that he liked Genesis more than Reno. That would be ridiculous, but the Turk had a bad habit of playing dirty tricks when you least expected them. Nothing harmful, most of the time anyway, but it was still enough motivation to jump at any chance to get back at him.

The siblings tried to smother the shared look as they approached the table. They hadn't even made it there before all talking ceased. Kris suddenly felt self-conscious as she realized all eyes had landed on her. She wondered briefly if this was what it felt like to be the flag in a bullfighter's hands. She was definitely wearing the appropriate color.

The silence was broken by a wolf-whistle from Reno. "Damn, Fair. I knew you were gorgeous, but who knew you could look like that."

Before Kris could do more than feel her cheeks heat, Reno's face paled, and he slumped down into his seat. She didn't have to wonder why for long as Genesis' hand was suddenly on her waist, and she heard his voice from beside her. "I'll kindly remind you that I do not tolerate being disrespected. That includes any aimed at Kristobel."

Reno sank a little further down as Kris smiled up at Genesis. When he noticed her eyes on him, he turned her slightly so he could see her better and gave her a soft smile before he lightly brushed his lips against her cheek. His voice was so low that she wasn't sure that anyone else except maybe the enhanced Soldiers heard him.

"Though the night wear stars like glittering jewels to beguile the minds of man, they are but candles from where I stand in your glorious rays of noon."

Kris was struck dumb. She caught his eye when he stood and was shocked further at the look he was giving her. There was something in the depths of his eyes that she had never seen before, and it both thrilled and terrified her. Even after he pulled her toward the table, she couldn't figure out how to respond. She wasn't sure if she was more shocked that he hadn't quoted Loveless, or by the fact that he had just compared her to a night sky full of stars and found the stars lacking.

She was reminded they weren't alone when she saw Zack standing next to the table. He was frowning at them, but it wasn't the glare he usually reserved for the Commander. Instead, it looked like he was thinking about something. He let it fall as Angeal walked up as well, and they all tried to figure out where to sit. It took some maneuvering, but somehow, Kris was able to get the spot on the outside. A fact she was grateful for when she saw Genesis level another glare at Reno. At least she hoped the bodies between them would dissuade him from trying to roast the Turk.

Once they were all seated, the guys all gave Kris compliments on her dress. Although they did make sure to keep them tame. None of them wanted to tempt Genesis into losing his temper, and the man had already proven that it would be short work to provoke him where Kris was concerned.

They had already finished their meal, and Kris had finished her first drink. Despite her misgivings, she was glad Genesis had joined them. She made a point of treating everyone like she usually would, and it didn't take them long to loosen up. Even Genesis got pulled into the joking, though admittedly, it was less often than the others.

When Kris tried to absently take another drink from her already empty cup, she moved to stand. She paused long enough to look around. "I'm going to get another drink. Anyone else want something?"

There were a couple of people that raised a hand and called out what they wanted, but Genesis took her hand to keep her from leaving. "Allow me."

She shook her head. "I am on the outside already, and I am capable enough for this." She stood and winked as she held one leg out slightly and twisted it a little. "See, they work perfectly."

She grinned at the look he was giving her. It was a mix of adoration and consternation. She couldn't resist pushing just a little further. Something about the look made her feel more daring than she usually would have. She leaned over and gave him a peck on the cheek before she whispered in his ear. "Besides, I know you like watching me walk away." She didn't give him a chance to react before she turned on her heel and headed to the bar. She laughed out loud at the feel of his eyes on her as she walked off.

Genesis did indeed watch her walk to the bar. Her tinkling laughter followed her, and it made him smile. Once she was at the bar, Genesis turned back to see Zack staring at him. He knew it would ruin the night if he provoked the boy, so he tried to curb the urge. He still raised a brow, and Zack sighed. He was shocked when the Puppy gave him a smile.

"I know we didn't get off on the right foot, but I think maybe I was wrong."

Genesis gave him a surprised look. This was unexpected. "Oh, and how is that?"

Zack's grin widened. "We both know that I would have been happy to kill you in your sleep, but I'm glad I never got the chance."

Genesis laughed at the boy's boldness but didn't respond other than a gesture for him to explain himself. Zack shot a soft look to where Kris was standing, and he smiled back at Genesis. "I have never seen her so happy and comfortable in her own skin. I know it was her choice, but you were the catalyst. I suppose I owe you thanks for that."

Genesis didn't have to feign shock when Zack held out a hand. When he accepted it, Angeal clapped him on the shoulder. "See, I knew you would grow up eventually." Genesis shot him a glare but didn't comment further. He had known Angeal long enough to recognize the teasing for the compliment it was.

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