Confronting the Future

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A/N: By now, I'm sure you have figured out that the relationship between Kris and Zack is familial. I am a big fan of Zerith so expect it to stay that way. That's ok, because family has a special kind of influence. The reason I bring this up now, is for several reasons. First, Kris is five years older than Zack, even if she isn't aware of exactly how old she is, and he just turned 13. She is around during some of his most formative years, so it isn't surprising that they become close. Another thing, with them being family, but not, their relationship is like a mix of best friends and family. Really the best of both worlds. I hope this makes sense, but if you need anything explained further, please let me know. Again, thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy!

Chapter 5

By the time Zack and Kris got back to the village, it was nearly dark, but neither one cared. As optimistic as they had been, they were both still nervous. Silence had fallen between them when they headed back into the house. Sarah looked up with a smile from where she was working on dinner. "I'm glad I didn't have to chase you both down. Dinner will be ready shortly. Why don't you both go clean up."

Neither of them said a word as they headed to wash for dinner. They both knew Zeke would be back soon as well, so they waited to speak until both the adults were there so they could get it over with. They passed Zeke on their way back to the front room and gave each other looks that were a cross between reassuring and nervous. They both started laughing when they realized they both had the same look on their faces. They were still smiling as Zack sat, and Kris moved to help set the table and lay out dinner.

The meal was silent most of the way through. Both Kris and Zack kept sending each other pointed looks, and when Sarah had enough of seeing it, she finally spoke up. "Why don't you both just get it out. You aren't subtle at all."

Zack laughed nervously at her admonition, and Kris looked down with a slight blush. It was Kris that finally managed to speak up. "Well, we both have something we wanted to ask you both about. You see-" She paused when she realized she didn't even know where to begin.

Sarah gave them both a smile and tried to encourage them to keep going. "What is it then? It can't be that bad."

It was Kris' turn to smile nervously, but she still spoke. "I don't think it's bad, really, but I don't know where to start."

"At the beginning, duh." She pinched Zack's leg under the table when he whispered to her.

She then proceeded to ignore his yelp as she tried to find the words. "I know you heard about how I managed to fight off that gagighandi. Well, when I picked up that stick, I sort of remembered that I knew how to use it, or a staff at least. I was thinking about saving up and buying a real one, so I can practice and see if my brain can catch up with my body."

She paused and took a deep breath, but Zeke spoke up before she could continue. "I think that would be a great idea. It's always better to not do stuff half-heartedly anyway. You know you don't need to ask us for permission to do that, though, so what is your question?"

Kris wasn't sure if she wanted to bolt or hide under the table, but she didn't get a chance to do either when Zack finally spoke up. His words ran together since he was talking so fast. "IwanttowatchhersoIcanlearntofight."

Sarah gave him a questioning look, and Zeke just looked confused. "Repeat that so we can understand."

Zack chuckled nervously before he managed to repeat it slower. "I was hoping I could watch her and learn a little bit about fighting too. If I'm going to be traveling, then I think I need to."

Both his parents stilled at his words. Kris gave him a hard look and gestured that he wasn't finished. He didn't give them a chance to respond before he spoke up again. "Besides, I plan on trying to join Soldier, so any skills I can get before I go would be helpful."

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