Prolouge 2/2

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///Bibbles POV:///

(At the Lakewood high hallway 1 year before the events in the prologue )

Bibble: "Hey! you, come here"
Boy A: "M-me, yeah what is it"
Bibble: "That lunch money of yours would look real nice my my pocket right about now."
Boy A: "Excuse me, w-what are you talking about?"
Bibble: "Im saying, that you need to give me yo money punk!"
Boy A: "D-do you think i'm scared of you, as if i would give you anything.
Bibble: "of yeah, hah we'll see about that."

After this is got a little...rough hehe. Yo I'm bibble. I'm not really your typical good guy, and? What about it. Yeah I steal lunch money from loser punks like Boy A, I deserve it more, don't I?
Welp, turns out that mentality doesn't get you far in life

Bibble: "What the hell do you mean CAMP!"
Barbie: "Bibble I've had enough of this behavior. I've listened to your insults and rudeness ever since you were fourteen and I'm DONE!"
Bibble: "No way you old hag I ain't goin to no camp for sissy catholic boys"
Barbie: "Excuse me! What did you just call me, this is exactly why you are going to the catholic reformation camp for troubled youth."
Bibble: "The catholic reformation camp for troubled youth?"
Barbie: "yes, it's a great camp for spoiled, rude, foul mouthed brats like YOU. Since the church couldn't handle you, I had to take more... drastic measures."
Bibble: "drastic? What the hell are you talking about"
As Barbie pulled out her phone I could feel that something bad was going to happen. She has never had confidant look on her face, she clearly knew what she was doing.
Bibble: "H-hey Answer me, don't go all quiet on me!"

*starts texting*

Bibble: "BARBIE!"

And with a cold emotionless voice she said.
"Bibble, you see, as much as I would love to sit here and explain I can't, there is just not enough time."
Bibble: "what! Hey! What the hell don't speak in riddles or some shit."
Barbie: "get in the car Bibble."
Bibble "huh?"

A sketchy off white van pulled over in our drive way and started honking.

Barbie: "Get. In. The. Car!"
Bibble: "No way, you're acting crazy right now, it's hella creepy"

*phone rings*

Unknown voice: "Is there a problem ma'am"
Barbie: "Yes, he's doesn't seem to be listening."
Bibble: "wha- wait!"

Two men with ugly uniforms tried suddenly come into my house and try to grab me but I wasn't going down without a fight I pulled out my pocket knife I keep around for "emergencies"

Man A: "we've got a code 45C."
Man B: "grab the taser!"
Bibble: "the what now?"
Man A: "got it!"

One of the men pull out a small gun shaped taser sand shot me in my right arm. After that everything went black but even though i couldn't see I still felt my body getting picked up but one of the men and heard Barbies voice in the distance.
"It's for the best Bibble, Barbie loves you"

That was how I was kidnapped and sent to that goddamn camp where I would have to spend my precious college years.

\\\ Prologue 2/2: END\\\

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