kit was lecturing his beam non stopping-ly " even though it was not suppose to cross over our province... yet our good days its here... all at one go... she is here ... rock and rolling... all of us..."

beam : " kit... cooldown..."

kit : " this hospital is gonna be flodded with patients... shia...."

even before kit completes his lecturing.... patients were already coming in....

voices " move move move... patients are comming through"

beam " another rough day...."

kit :" lets get on board... "

both kit and beam rushed through to treat their patients....


............ it was a heavy day........

still peoples were coming through...



after bunch of hours.....

both kit and beam still stuck with their patient .. and running around...

beam :" we still need more doctors... where the hell is pha..."

kit : " he is still on a surgery... "

beam : " shia.... go go go... to the trauma center..."

right then pha came in... beam shouted... " pha ... we need help.... "

it was already past 6pm....

kit sat on the empty chair... totally tired... unable to even move a muscle... yet the calling were nonstop...

voice  " dr. kit  we need your help... " shouting aloud...

kit very dificultly and with a little amount of energy leftout. he dragged himself and went in the ward...

kit : "  coming... coming...."

now it was past 3 am.... midnight....

head nurse : " dr. beam , the interns are here. you should take some rest now... " she glanced beam very intensly... " dr. you lool very pale... grab a bite before resting ..."

she pats the shoulder  and says " good work..."

beam just gets into the staff room, there he his kitty already resting on the couch... dead tired...

kit mumbles : " stupid pha... i should have rejected it , when you wanted me to join in the med fac... im dying here... shia...."

beam : " mr. angle... " chuckling " good job kitty " and he pats over kits shoulder and continues " wanna eat something... "

kit : " noo no n o... i only need rest... thats it... no food only sleep.." even before he completes his sentence he already doosed off...

beam sat on the table ... only then he realised... he was already hungry and tired ... yet he cannot have a nice good sleep now. they might be called again anytime if needed... so beam had to fill himself with fuel...

then he opens his forth's  bento box....

all that we could see was just a smile of happiness all over beam face...

🤤hungry baby👨🏻🍳                          (4TH.BM FF} - OmegaVersus/M.PregTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon