The New Family

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After the visit from Ozpin Tai and Summer adopted me. They asked if I had a last name or if I wanted to use on of theres. I figured since it's a new life I'd pick one of there's. I chose Rose, mainly because it fit my first name better, and Tai agreed with me. After that they took me to get some clothes. I chose mostly light green or tanish yellow for shirts and sweatshirts. I had also gotten a couple pairs of brown cargo shorts and some jeans.

Yang was outside pretending to be a huntress while Chara was in the garden helping Tai again. Summer was inside acting as a teacher for Ruby. Tai would make a joke here and there and Chara would do the same. Eventually he had asked Chara when her birthday was. She was hesitant but told him. It had just passed a week ago according to the calendar. She decided to tell him, but she also said he didn't have to worry about it. I had wondered why he asked, but decided to just leave it be.

The next day Tai was taking Yang with him to the store. Something about headlight fluid and elbow grease. That left Summer and Ruby still home with Chara. Chara was on the stairs to the wooden front deck reading a book about huntsman and huntress's while snacking on a thing of crackers. She was taken away from her book when she saw a crow land next to her. The two of them just sorta stared at each other. Chara gave a soft smile and offered a cracker to it. It looked at the cracker then to her as if asking permission. That had made Chara curious so she gave a nod, and it began to eat the cracker.

"Your an interesting one, aren't you little guy." Chara said as it finished the cracker. It looked to Chara before flying off landing on a nearby tree. She was gonna investigate but Summer called her name. "Coming!" She shouts as she closes her book, grabs her crackers, and run inside to find Summer.

When she got inside she found Summer in the living room with Ruby distracted with the television. "Yes mom" Chara asked. Chara saw Summer give a small smile to her calling Summer mom. Chara hadn't even realized that she said that. She said it as if it were second nature. This was actually the first time Chara had called her that.

She walks over to Chara before speaking. "Could you watch Ruby for me while I do some baking?"

"Of course. I'm happy to help." Chara smiles.

In town Yang and Tai were in the store trying to figure out what they could get as a birthday present for Chara despite her telling Tai not to worry about it. Qrow was working with Summer to keep Chara distracted while she baked a cake for Chara. Right now they were in a mall. He has never seen her play with toys like Yang or Ruby so he didn't think that would be a good idea. She would read occasionally so at least that's something. She seems to like gardening too, but it didn't feel right to Tai to give that kind of thing as a gift. She hasn't said whether she wants to be a huntress or not either. Gah.. I'm shooting in the dark here.

Back at the house Qrow could see Chara in the room with Ruby, but she kept glancing to the kitchen with curiosity. Alright how do I distract her. Uhhhhh. Wait, I got it.

Ruby was currently distracted playing tea time. Chara was unfortunately stuck joining her with this. She keep looking to the kitchen out of curiosity mainly because she wondered what Summer was baking. Cookies? No we made some last night and last I checked there were some on the plate on the dining table.

Just then Chara heard a knock on the door. I'm curious about what Summer is up to but the door is a more important matter. "I'll get it!" Chara shouts.

"Thank you!" Summer shouts back.

When Chara got to the door she opens it revealing Uncle Qrow "Hey kiddo." He says with a smile. Chara gave him a hug and theyhear Ruby rushing over to do the same.

Chara's New Path: A RWBY StoryWhere stories live. Discover now