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Stood from a distance, Jay watched as Olivia was helped into the ambulance and on the way to Chicago Med with Hank.

"You alright," Erin asked as she walked over to her boyfriend, she was glad that the team found Olivia alive and well, but she knew her and Jay couldn't continue now Olivia was back in the picture.

Pulled out of his trance of staring at Olivia, Jay looked down at Erin and smiled, "yeah, I'm just glad she's alive for Marco, are you okay?" To say the detective's head was a mess was an understatement, he now had Marco as his first priority.

"I'm okay Jay, we do need to talk soon though," Erin spoke, but before she could continue Jay interrupted.

"I'll come to your apartment tomorrow evening?" Jay asked, to which Erin nodded, before she walked off towards her car off. Deep down both of them knew their relationship wouldn't and shouldn't last now Olivia was back in the picture, even more with her and Jay sharing a son together.

Arriving back home after a long evening, Jay found his little boy fast asleep in his bedroom, with Will passed out on the sofa. Jay made a make-shift bed on the floor next to Marco in his room, and soon fell asleep himself.


The next morning, Jay had gotten a call of Voight asking him to bring Marco to the hospital to see his mother, Olivia. On arriving to the hospital room, which was guarded by an officer, Olivia's face lit up as she saw Marco run towards her. Jay smiled as he watched through the glass window, with Hank by his side.

"What did the doc's say?" Jay asked his Sarg.

Hank sighed, "she has a few broken ribs, bruises and cuts as you can see, they want to keep her in another night but Jay-." Voight paused and looked at the young detective.

"But what Hank?" Jay demanded, he knew something was wrong with the mannered in which Hank was acting in.

"They did other tests too, including a rape kit."

Jay looked at Voight and then back at the mother of his child.

"She was raped Jay, multiple times by different people over the past week." Hank sighed, with Raul in custody the whole unit was about to come down on him, especially Hank, as nobody gets away with hurting one of their own, particularly someone so close to Voight himself.

"I want to talk to Raul," Jay looked at Hank, his face full of anger and hurt.

"Yeah later Jay, but first go be with your son and Olivia." Jay nodded, and walked into the hospital room.

In the room, Jay sat down next to Olivia, "how are you doing?" he asked.

Olivia turned to face the man she once loved, "I've been a lot better," she laughed, "but child-birth was ten times worse than this."

Jay laughed along with her, but inside it hurt because he wasn't there for the birth of his first child, he hasn't been there for him for three whole years and he knows he has missed a lot.

Before Jay could say anything, his brother walked into the room, "just checking your stats Liv," he said as he began writing down on his board.

"Hey Will, do you mind taking Marco to get some snacks and a drink?" Jay asked his brother, to which Will nodded too, taking Marco out of the room.

"So now Marco's gone, why didn't you tell me Liv."

Olivia's smile died down, and she looked over at her baby daddy, "because I was so deep under when I found out, Raul thought it was his and I thought if I pretended it was his, I would've got closer, and now look, we've caught the most wanted man in Chicago. It was way to risky to text or call you, you know how undercover works, everyday I look at Marco, I see you and wished I told you sooner, I'm sorry Jay I really am," Olivia spoke as tears formed in both of the detectives eyes.

"I wish I was there from the start Liv, I hate the fact he raised my child, that he was there from the moment he came into this world, and I hate what he's done to you the past week," Jay took a deep breath and grabbed Olivia's hand, "I know what's happened the past week, and you should know I'm always going to be here whenever you're ready to talk. I want you to open up and talk to me Livi."

Olivia wiped away the tears in her eyes as the door opened and Marco toddled into the room. Jay let go of Olivia's hand as both looked at their little boy. "Mommy, why are you crying?" Marco asked as he climbed onto the bed.

Olivia cupped Marco's face, and smiled, "I'm okay sweetheart," she spoke as she pulled her son into a cuddle. "But mommy has to stay in here for another night to get better, so you're going to stay with Jay okay?"

Marco looked at Jay and then back at his mother, "Jay's cool mommy, he let's me sleep in his big bed all my myself!" the little boy grinned, before jumping back in for another cuddle off Olivia.

Jay smiled in aw at his son, it was going to be a difficult road ahead with explaining to Marco that Jay was his father and the two of them building a relationship together but Jay was determined to do exactly that.

The Falling of Secrets - Jay Halstead/Chicago P.DWhere stories live. Discover now