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The women with the phone ended up being Luisa Ramos, a young women who was another mistress of Raul Jimenez, who had been instructed by the drug lord to sit in Lincoln Park and make multiple random calls on the mobile. The team decided to keep her for the full 48 hours in hope she could give them more detail into where the drug lord was hiding out, any information as to why she was given the phone but also to use the phone to enable a track of the whereabouts of Olivia.

"Mouse where are we with the phone?" Halstead asked, Mouse knew his friend was anxious, and knew how much Olivia meant to him back three years ago. Even though he had moved on with Erin, and was very happy with her, he couldn't take Olivia off his mind. If only she was honest before she left, everything would've been so different.

"Tracking it now, give me a few minutes," Mouse told his long-term friend. Jay nodded and went over to sit at his desk, giving Erin a small smile as their eyes locked. Erin smiled back, who felt similar to Jay, she wanted her closest friend, her whole rock when she went through her own drug problems when she was younger back, but then knew her and Jay's relationship would never be the same.

"So where are we?" Voight asked as he walked out of his office, he'd just got off the phone to Alvin who had gone undercover from the moment Hank received the call that Olivia hadn't been in touch. Al was out working the streets, talking to his CI's, and trying to find any leads towards the Jimenez Cartel.

"Luisa comes back clear, no felonies, or charges, doesn't even have a parking ticket in her name. She has been living off grid for a few years," Adam tells the team.

Hank nodded, "so we assume she has been with Raul or in the Cartel for a few years then."

"Sounds like she's very close to Raul if she's been with the Cartel that long, why would he let her become vulnerable and put in a position where she is going to be caught by the police?" Erin inputted.

Jay looked up, "Because he trusts her, if he had any thought Olivia was a cop, then he needed proof." Everyone was silent, deep in thought. "He was watching!" Jay stood up and walked over to the board. "Look where he placed her, he told her to sit there because of how many birds eye view points he has! He knew if that phone was connected to the police, they'd come looking for it! Meaning he now knows Olivia is a cop, and she's in real danger."

"So do we assume the worst?" Antonio asked, he hated the thought of losing someone so close to the Unit and himself, but everyone knew that they'd just walked straight into the Cartel's trap, and it could've only got worst from there. Jay and Hank looked at each other, and Jay suddenly ran to the interview room where Luisa was still in.

"Where is she!" Jay slammed the table, as Hank came in behind and shut the door. "You set her and the whole police force up!"

Luisa smiled, "and you fell straight for it."

Jay stood back in shock, the pit of his stomach was telling him that it was too late and Olivia was already dead. He just hoped he was wrong. A knock on the door brought Jay back out of his thoughts, it was Mouse, "We have a location."


Alvin had joined up with Hank, as the team sat outside the house they had under surveil. "So do we think Raul is in there with Olivia?" Al asked.

Hank shook his head, "I hope for his sake, she is." Voight knew a lot more than the rest of the team when it came down to Olivia and the reasons why she left. There were many but one stood out, and it was inevitable that, that secret would come out and it would cause waves in the team.

"Did you find anything out with what I asked you too?" Hank asked his partner.

Al nodded, "yeah, they should still be together from what my CI told me, Raul brought him up as his own meaning-"

Hank interrupted, "meaning he could be brainwashed." Al nodded.

"Sarg, one of Raul's lieutentants, Sergio has just entered the house from the back," Kevin's voice was heard through the radio. Him and Kim were sat in the shadows around the back of the house in their patrol car as backup to the team.

Hank looked at Alvin, "Everyone watch their six, these men will be armed and won't hesitate to shoot at us or kill any hostages they may have, let's breach!" The team all exit the cars and walk slowly towards the house in the mist of the darkness.

Adam and Antonio are first to breach, taking out Sergio and a few other Cartel runners in the first room. The team move from room to room in hope in finding Olivia or Raul but nothing.

The house itself looked like people had been living it in, as it was clean, food in the cupboards, and a mixture of clothes belonging to a man, a women and even children clothing was found in a bedroom. Al called Hank to the child's bedroom, "they were definitely here, I mean look." Alvin handed Hank a photo.

The photo was a picture of Olivia and a little boy, no older than 3 years old, celebrating his 2rd birthday. The photo frame also had writing on it - 'Marco and Mommy'. Hank let out a deep breath and looked at Alvin. "We don't tell the rest of the team." Alvin nodded, and Hank hid the photo in the inside of his coat, and walked out. He knew Olivia was here, and they were close, he just hoped she was still alive.

The Falling of Secrets - Jay Halstead/Chicago P.DNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ