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"Three years ago, Olivia Jordan came to me and asked me to go undercover, the reason's behind why she chose to go under are personal, and for her to tell you all if she needs too. She went undercover with the biggest drug lord in Chicago - Raul Jimenez. I agreed, but was hesitant as nobody knew, even she didn't know how long she would be going under for. Approximately, 6 days ago we lost all contact with her, well the Gang and Drugs Unit did - that was who she was working for, not this Unit. The whole operation was totally confidential and nobody but me and the sergeant from Gang and Drugs Unit knew where she was and what she was doing. Olivia checked in most days with either one of us, but stopped 6 days ago and nobody has heard or seen her since. Now the first thought is that the Jimenez Cartel have found out who she really is and have her hostage-".

"6 days ago and we're only just finding out?!!" Jay interrupted Voight, slamming his desk which shocked the team but more Erin in the process. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. "She could be dead by now! And we're sitting around here doing nothing for the past 6 days!!" Jay shouted, safe to say he was angry.

Voight just starred at Jay, leading Antonio to speak up, "How did she get into contact? How deep was she?"

Voight looked back at his team, "She used to send cryptic messages through a burner phone to another burner phone that me or Sergeant Jones had. Maybe they found the phone, we don't know. Hank looked straight at mouse and handed him a piece of paper, "track this number, see what comes up."

Mouse nodded and walked off to his desk. Hank continued, "at first, she wasn't that deep, that was until Raul Jimenez, the head of the Cartel, noticed her and then she became one of Raul's many mistress'."

"So does that mean she has been close and intermit with him?" Adam asks.

Voight nodded, still looking into the direction of Jay, who couldn't believe what he was hearing. Jay was full of mixed emotions, he didn't know what to think. He thought Olivia had transferred out of this Unit and moved to New York, just like she had told him three years ago on the day she supposely left.



The Intelligence Unit had just finished closing another case and were heading home or out to Molly's, well that was where Jay was heading. While walking to his car, Jay felt a small hand pull his arm back. Turning around he smiled as he saw Olivia standing in front of him. "Hey partner, you know I'm leaving tomorrow so do you want to spend my last night with me?"

Jay smiled, and couldn't think of anything else he'd rather be doing, "I would be honoured."

Sat around Olivia's flat after a heavy, drunken night in Molly's, Jay and Olivia were sat laughing at a story Jay was telling about his childhood. As Jay was still chuckling away, Olivia stopped and stared at her soon to be ex-partner, hating the fact she was lying to him, and her friends in the Unit on her whereabouts after tonight. Realising Olivia was staring, Jay took her drink out of her hand, and along with his put both on the table in front of them. Looking back at his partner, he knew this was his last chance to tell her exactly how he feels.

Cupping Olivia's cheek, he lent forever and gently felt his lips touch hers, and in that moment he knew this was everything he wanted and after tonight, he couldn't have it. Olivia kissed him back, and was taken aback from Jay's kiss, but expected it, she always knew there was a connection further than being just partners. One kiss lead to another, and soon they found themselves in Olivia's bed. Safe to say Olivia had a very good send off. But it hurt her even more knowing her and Jay could've had a future if she didn't leave.

*Flashback Over*


"Sarg, I ran the burner phone number you gave me and it came up as last known address as Lincoln Park."

Voight looked at Mouse and then his team, "why are you all still here, let's go!"


The journey to Lincoln Park was silent within the car of Jay and Erin. Neither knew what to say to each other, it was the most difficult case either had ever had to do, Jay was once Olivia's partner, and future boyfriend, and Erin was Olivia's best friend within the Unit and the 21st District, to now realise that Olivia is still in Chicago, the relationship between Jay and Erin was in dangerous waters.

Since knowing that Olivia is still in the city, hopefully alive and then would come back and work within the Unit, Jay was full of mixed emotions, he didn't know how to feel, he didn't know where it stood between him and Erin either, he never wanted to hurt Olivia and he just knew this was going to hurt when they found her.

Pulling up at Lincoln Park, the team spread out as they headed towards the last known ping of the burner phone that belonged to Olivia. With the help of patrolmen, the park was full of police and nobody was able to leave while the search continued. "The phone is switched on, someone's making a call," Antonio said as the ping triangulated towards the North Pond.

The team all saw the young-looking girl sat on the bench, facing the other way on the phone. Jay held his breath as it looked just like Olivia, well from the back anyway. Voight halted the team to stop, as he continued forward. "Liv," he called out but to no response. Walking closer, he pulled up his weapon, and shouted, "Chicago PD, slowly stand up with your hands in the air!"

Hank knew it wasn't Olivia before looking at the young women's face, the reason why he pulled his gun out. The women stood up slowly and turned around, much to the shock of the whole Intelligence Unit. "Don't shoot!"


Back at the district, Voight and Antonio were sat in the interview room with the women who turned out not to be Olivia. "How did you get this phone?" Dawson asked.

The women shook her head, "I haven't commited a crime, why am I in here?"

"Because the phone you had and was using to make a phone call on, belonged to an undercover detective." Antonio slammed the papers on the table.

"Livi is a fed?" the unknown women asked, much to the shock of Hank and Antonio, and the rest of the team who stood watching through the one-way glass. Jay felt a pit in his stomach, he knew something bad was happening to Liv, and he knew she needed saving.

The Falling of Secrets - Jay Halstead/Chicago P.DWhere stories live. Discover now