I looked at everyone. I understood what everybody was saying, but it didn't ease my mind. Martinez was a slippery person. It made me wonder if there was a reason the Chief never reported the complaints.

"What?" Kaylee asked, looking at me curiously.

"I'm wondering why your dad didn't report the complaints against Martinez," I mentioned as the others looked at me. Kaylee looked at me with confusion. "Any time someone files a complaint, the station has to investigate, but they conducted no investigation."

"That's a good question," Kaylee agreed.

"Whatever the outcome, we hope you come back. Listening to these two yutzes argue over Cass's donut addiction is ridiculous," Hathaway said.

"What? I like donuts," Cass said, shrugging.

"And it shows," Lindsey added, making us laugh.

It was great hanging out with Hathaway, Cass, and Lindsey. They kept work exciting and enjoyable. Plus, they didn't look at me differently than most people because of my age.

We finished hanging out, then left. We went to the dorm so Kaylee could shower and change. While she showered, I made myself at home on her bed, scrolling through my phone. The door opened, and Nora walked in, looking at me strangely.

"Good morning, sunshine," I greeted, smiling.

Nora closed the door and walked over to her bed, setting her bag down. "You look ridiculously happy," Nora mentioned, looking at me. Her expression changed. "You had sex last night," Nora exclaimed.

I sat up and gave Nora a look. "Could you be any louder than normal people?" I questioned.

"It's not my fault you went from I will never love someone to let me show you, my love, all over the place," Nora remarked, waving her hand around.

"It wasn't like that. It was perfect," I mentioned.

Nora sat down on her bed and looked at me.

"There was no grand gesture or planning. It was two people having a moment," I reasoned. "Now, if I didn't have a lawsuit hanging over my head, that would be great."

"What lawsuit?" Nora asked.

I forgot that Nora didn't know. I told her about the lawsuit against Parker, me, and the station. Nora looked at me with surprise.

"That makes little sense considering you and your brothers treat no one differently," Nora mentioned.

"It doesn't matter. Some people create trouble for you. I spent months dealing with Eliza's death, then finding out she slept with Martinez. Now I get to deal with a lawsuit and losing a job I love with the possibility of my reputation tainted," I explained.

Kaylee came out of the bathroom dressed and joined us.

"I think it's stupid. Presley, you're one of the few guys that treat people with respect. You fight back when someone pushes you," Nora reasoned.

"All I can do is let other people handle the legalities of it," I said.

Nora sighed. I didn't want to lose my job because of the altercation. Plus, Parker has his life on track, and it takes one moment to change everything. It makes one think. Can we live together peacefully, or are we destined to fight each other due to how we look? I didn't know since emotions alter perceptions.


With the lawsuit looming, it made it difficult to maintain my sobriety. What I wouldn't give for a drink right now. I even picked up a liquor bottle and sat in my bedroom, staring at it. I could crack it open and take a sip.

"You don't want to do that," someone said as I stared at the bottle.

"Why not? It's not like I have many options," I said, gazing at the bottle.

"Why let someone ruin how far you came?" The person said.

I looked at Uncle Nixon and furrowed my brows.

"Let me guess, Payton called you," I said with irritation.

"No, Shaun did," Nixon said, entering the room and sitting next to me.

Nixon held out his hand, and I handed him the bottle.

"I would not drink it," I mentioned.

"Are you sure about that? We all have those moments of weakness," Nixon replied.

"Old habits," I said, sighing.

"Old habits that cause destruction and chaos. It destroys families and yourself. I know it took going to rehab to figure this out," Nixon said.

"What made you change?" I asked curiously.

"I had a wake-up call when I hit rock bottom," Nixon said, making a crashing sound. "I lost Nash, Kat, and self-destructed. My parents took control and helped me. They never gave up on me."

"But everything worked out," I reasoned.

"Not without those moments of wanting to drink. Grays get knocked down, but they always get back up, Parker. This lawsuit is bullshit, and this twit knows it. There's more to it than anyone knows," Nixon explained.

"Something doesn't seem right. When we met Eliza, she clung to Presley like a second skin. Presley taught her to defend herself against people, and someone almost attacked her. How does a girl who adores my brother sleep with another guy?" I questioned.

"Not willingly," Nixon answered.

I looked at Nixon. Something nagged at me about that situation.

"What? You look like someone that got their hand caught in a cookie jar," Nixon remarked.

I stood up and paced, thinking. "What if that guy made it seem like it was consensual with Eliza, but it wasn't?" I asked.

Nixon stood up. "Are you thinking it was sexual assault?" He asked.

"I think the signs are there. While working at the hospital, you see many things. Sexual assault victims are disoriented and can't think clearly. It's shocking," I explained.

"That makes sense. Kaiden wouldn't talk about it, and Larkin came to me for confidentiality," Nixon mentioned.

We looked at each other and knew there's way more to this situation than a frivolous lawsuit. Nixon's phone rang. "Yeah, Parker is okay," Nixon answered and stood there, listening to the other end. "No shit, Sherlock. Listen, twit, we figured it out because we're not slow on the uptake. Yeah, whatever. Tell Marshall and Brody to get here."

Nixon hung up. I looked at him with concern. "We have a bigger problem than a lawsuit. Where's Presley?"

"He's hanging with Kaylee," I answered.

"We need to find him," Nixon said, leaving the room. Then he returned and grabbed the liquor bottle. "Yeah, we need not leave temptation lying around here." Then he left again.

It's a good thing that Nixon took the bottle because the more the temptation, the worse it can get. I left the bedroom. Whoever called Nixon made it clear shit was going to hit the fan.

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