Episode 2 - Ariel

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Ariel Black, the older of Daisy's two daughters, sat on the bed in her hotel room, holding a cup of tea with both hands. She looked exactly like her mother, but with dark brown hair, and whole she had her mother's grey-blue eyes, they did function normally, behind thin framed rectangular glasses.
She watched the two CI5 agents with suspicion. "What do you want to know?"
"What we want to know," Scully replied, "is everything that happened from the moment you arrived at the house... We're not trying to do you for murder. There's far more important things to investigate here."
Ariel found the pair of them quite dubious. Where they really saying they where just gonna overlook the fifteen year old killer like it ain't no thing?
Mulder spoke up. "If you can help us understand what happened, maybe we can help you understand."
Ariel looked into her tea for a few moments, while Mudler and Scully just sat and waited. "Weeeell..."
"Go on," Mulder prompted her.
"The part I don't understand, was..." She looked up from her tea, and looked Mulder in the eye. "Annabel told me this girl... Rachel. Annie told me the girl was already dead." Ariel glanced nervously at each agent, but neither of them said a word. "Annie said she knew Rachel from when they where kids... And that her foster parents... uh..." Ariel stopped, her hands shaking.
Scully leant forward a little and asked her, "Why did you do it?"
"Wh- What?"
"From the case files it seems like nobody's asked you; 'Why did you push Rachel off the roof?'"
"Oh... She, er... I thought she was going to, er... Going to kill Annie."
"Annie..." Scully repeated, flipping through her files. "Annabel Smith?"
"Yeah... She said she used to know Rachel, before she was killed... Years ago." Ariel drank from her tea.
"So she knows a bit about Rachel, and her family?"
Ariel wondered how much Annie would be happy with her telling the two agents... "Um... Well, yes... She um... She always knew the house was haunted, but she didn't talk about it until... Well, until after I'd saved her life, basically."
Scully made a note. "So what did she tell you?"
"Ah, well... That's the weird bit. I don't actually believe this part, but she was under the impression that... That Rachel had been killed by her foster parents... Well I believe that bit... When I saw the body, she'd clearly been dead a long time, right? Right, well the bit I don't believe is that Rachel's foster parent was... Uh... Well, Mr. Fenton. Our Headmaster at school."
"Sorry," Mulder said, "can I just clarify... You think Rachel's death occurred many years ago, and that you encountered her ghost? Right?"
Ariel nodded.
"But you don't believe that your headmaster could've killed her?"
Ariel looked nervously to Scully.
"What he's saying is that by the laws of science, Mr. Fenton as a killer is entirely possible, relative to the supernatural element of what Annabel told you... And yet you choose not to believe it."
"Um... Well, I don't know what to believe..."
Scully simply made some notes, so Ariel turned back to Mulder.
"Didn't you say you where gonna help me with that?"

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