Episode 1 - Go Fugitive Go

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Mulder stepped hard on the brakes, and shifted down into second, then got back on the gas as he threw his Mondeo round the left turn. It didn't falter a bit, going exactly where he pointed it.

Up ahead he saw the Fugitive, a grey alien, about the size of a five year old, but with a much bigger head. He was driving a tiny go-kart, which was sized for a five year old.

The crazy bastard was heading straight for Poole Quay. He ran a red light at full throttle, threading through a tiny gap in the pedestrians who where crossing. Mulder leant on the horn, and the gap of very scared people widened, just in time, as he blasted through. The little go-kart was getting away.

As they approached the roundabout on the quay, a tourist coach was pulling out from the left. The Fugitive dodged across to the right hand side of the road, playing chicken with an oncoming car, which swerved into a head on collision with the coach.

Mulder got a fleeting look at the crashed car as he sped past. An old couple. They both seemed to be unconscious.

The Fugitive cut across the roundabout, flat and fast, into the exit on the right. It was the Quayside road, and it was one way, in the other direction. Mulder followed him in, taking the roundabout a lot slower than the Fugitive had.

They flew up the Quay, with the many motorcycles that where parked on the left creating a dazzling strobe light effect with the sun reflecting off their chrome.

There was a turning on the right, and a Range Rover appeared from it, turning towards them and blocking the way.

The Fugitive swerved left and shot down a tiny cycle lane, which allowed cyclists to pass the junction without getting involved with traffic. way to narrow for Mulder's car. He stepped on the brakes as hard as he could, and the anti-lock system juddered him to a halt.

Behind the Rangie's windscreen, Mulder could see the driver waving his arms about theatrically. He wasn't gonna back up.

"Fuck it," Mulder said, and he put the Mondeo in first and got up on the pavement, drove round behind the Range Rover, and sped off after the go-kart.

It was only just in sight, and there was standstill traffic on the Bridge Approach. Mulder saw him nip between two cars in the traffic, and then stop on the other side. Mulder kept his foot down, and risked his valvetrain as the revs went up into the redline.

Then the go-kart turned right, away from Poole Bridge. That was good. He was heading back toward the centre of town, where more CI5 agents would be arriving very soon.

Mulder grabbed second, and was glad to see the gap the Fugitive had passed through was wide enough for his big Ford. Then, through that gap, he saw the Fugitive shoot past, heading full speed for Poole bridge!

Mulder was so shocked he forgot to brake, and lost control as he passed through the gap way too fast, trying to turn left after the go-kart. He understeered up onto the pavement, smashing two plastic bollards before a third brought him to a stop.

As he was reaching for reverse, he looked for the Fugitive, and suddenly realised it was all over. Poole bridge was wide open, and there was a gap in the plastic bits that hung from under the barrier.

The Fugitive had smashed through and jumped the bridge.

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