Close Encounter

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It's dark, and Scully has to make it to the alleyway, which is even darker. She wants that darkness, and it's relative safety. She has to stay out of the light. But she's struggling to walk. Her left leg doesn't seem to being doing much of what she tells it to do. Why can't she walk any faster? Or run? Her leg refuses to bend At the knee, and while she keeps hobbling onwards, she's not even going in a straight line. She struggles for what feels like an hour, but the alleyway is no closer. Then the light comes, from behind her, casting a long shadow, which looks like something from an old zombie movie. As the light gets rapidly brighter, she knows she'll never make it to that alleyway, but she tries anyway.
Blinded by the bright light, she woke up, breathing heavily and sweating profusely. Her hands shot straight to her left leg, and found it was able to bend at the knee just fine. She felt like checking that Mulder was okay too, but realised she was at home in bed, and he wasn't there.
The she realised something else. That bright light was still there, outside her bedroom window. She shaded her eyes and staggered out of bed, not putting too much trust in her left leg. She walked straight to the window, and through the light she saw a little flying saucer just hovering there. It was tiny. Not much bigger than a shoebox, with the bright white light emanating from the saucer's underside.
Scully opened the window, and as she leant out to touch it, it sped away and was gone.

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