"I'm... not really sure what else to do in this scenario." Logan replied in confusion, "If you have your property back and I promise not to steal again, what's the problem?"

"The problem is trust!" Virgil exclaimed, throwing his arms out in exasperation, "You broke it!"

Logan pinched the bridge of his nose. "What else can I do?"

"How about not steal in the first place?!" Virgil bit back, "Oh, just so you know, as a merchant I reserve the right to cut off your hand for stealing so how about-"

"Alrighty!" Fairy Godmother interrupted as the conversation took a dark turn. "Great effort on both sides! Though, let's keep the dismemberment to a minimum, yes?" Logan nodded and Virgil shrugged half heartedly. He briefly glanced at Logan, who still looked a little confused.

"Second scenario! You are now two queens arguing over which of you is the fairest one of all!"

"What?" Virgil cried out, looking a little red. "Wh-why??"

Fairy Godmother looked away somberly. "It's a disagreement that occurs far too often here in Auradon."

Logan raised an eyebrow. "Really?"

"Yes and!"

He shook his head. "I'm the fairest one of all, I suppose."

"Sure." Virgil replied sarcastically. "You've been super fair, lately."

"What do you...?" Logan began to ask, but paused. He looked Virgil straight in the eye. "Look, maybe I'm wrong about this, okay?"

"What?" Virgil was uncomfortable with Logan staring him down like that.

"Maybe you're more, er, fair than me." He continued, "I thought one thing, you thought something else, we disagreed, but... but doesn't it count for anything that I now know I was wrong?"

Virgil blinked, then crossed his arms. "Well... sure... but that doesn't change how it felt. For you to say that- that you were fairest or whatever. And to bring up... personal stuff."

"I shouldn't have." Logan said.

They were quiet for a minute, then Fairy Godmother broke the silence. "Okay, it was a little ambiguous, but good work overall! I think we have time for one more..."

"Virgil.." Logan began.

"Ah!" Fairy Godmother shouted gleefully, "This is a good one! One of you accidentally broke something that means a lot to the other! You fill in the blanks, go!"

They both stared at Fairy Godmother in utter doneness for a second, then Virgil heard Logan continue.

"I know... I know I hurt you. I said things that I can't take back, things I knew would upset you."

Virgil looked down and squeezed his arm. If he remembered, it wasn't only Logan who said some hurtful things...

"It wasn't you, it was me. I was... scared."

"Scared?" Had Virgil heard him right? Logan, scared?

Logan nodded. "Yes. I was scared that we were going to get hurt. I was scared because everyone here seemed so nice, but on the Isle... it's so different here from everything I've ever known."

Rotten To The Core (Sander Sides Descendants AU)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora