19 - Collared but not submissive

Start from the beginning

"I've got it covered. Take my car. His address is already in the gps system. Just type in Adrian and it will direct you there. You can drive right?"

I nodded.

He walked over to a safe I didn't even notice was there and took out something from inside. He came over to me and handed me the keys to his car and some cash. More like he gave me a fortune. Before I could complain he spoke.

"Trust me, you will need it."

Alexis came over same time with a bag that I assume had clothes in it.

"You'll need these for your journey. Call us as soon as you get there. Adrian has the number."

"You have to go Alyssa, Dimitri can't know until you're long gone. I'll take you to the garage."

I hugged Alexis and followed Chad hurriedly. When I got to the garage I thanked Chad for his help and he disappeared. I pressed the button on the car remote and my eyes opened wide when I saw what kind of car it was. A frickin' black Lamborghini! I didn't hesitate I jumped right in, input Adrian into the gps system and a route came up on the map. It said nine hours but I'm sure in this car it would take me less. I pressed down on the gas and sped out of the garage.

Dimitri's POV

I stood there impatiently waiting for my father to give me the news.

"So? Was I or was I not the father?"

"Dimitri, the baby it, it wasn't yours."

I acknowledge that I heard him. "It was Blake's?"

"No, Aria was right it wasn't Blake's."

"So it was Chad's then?"

"No. None of you were the father. Now I suggests you go and find your mate and assure her that you didn't fuck up."

"Why would I need to assure her? It doesn't affect her."

"That's what you think. Now leave me."

I strode from my father's office and made my way to my room. Alyssa hasn't said a word to me since we found out Kael had been pregnant. I guess it's time for us to have a serious talk. When I got to the bedroom she wasn't there so I made my way over to the bed to wait on her. After about twenty minutes there still was no sign of her so I decide to go check the kitchen. She wasn't there either. Maybe she was with one of her sisters. I checked with Aria first and as expected she was difficult as usual. We just couldn't get along.

"Have any of you seen Alyssa?" She was lying across Blake's chest.

"Nope. What did you do to her this time? No wait let me guess. She found out the baby was yours."

I glared at her. "Frankly I don't see how that's any of your business."

She shrugged and proceeded to ignore me. I turned to Blake.

"Haven't seen her bro."

"Maybe she finally decided to leave your dominating ass. You are kind of a control freak collar and all." Aria spoke up.

"That is definitely none of your business."

I left them without another word and made my way to Chad's room. I decided to play it a little different this time. I stormed in. "Where the fuck is she?"

Alexis was the one who answered. "I'm sorry what? Don't you know how to knock?"

"I'm not in the mood for this shit where is Alyssa?"

"Isn't she your mate? You should know where she is." She shrugged and proceeded to file her nail. Chad sat there watching her. These two were just too weird. I exited without uttering another word.

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