"And so, they let me have everything for free whenever I need," he finished his somewhat explanation. 

     At this point, I'll go with the flow. I can always come back and put money in the tip jar or something like that. It comes down to about $6.89 and with tax, I'll throw in a couple more dollars for good measure. So it'll be ten dollars.

     The cashier looked at Dark Wonder and me with raised eyebrows. She tilted her head, most likely deciding whether we were a threat or not. We did look terrifying. At least, I think so. Although, I'm certain that she overheard the conversation that happened between Dark Wonder and me. It would be nice if we can conclude this excursion as soon as possible.

     "Dark Wonder!" She beamed and turned her attention to me. "And you're Blue Gravity, aren't you?"

     "Flap your wings, Blue Gravity." Dark Wonder snickered and leaned against the counter. "Show the nice cashier your talents."

     I rolled my eyes and with a sigh, I made his Slurpee float. If I'm going to listen to him, I mine as well annoy him in the process.

     He clicked his tongue and protectively grabbed his Slurpee. "Rude."

     "Wow! That's so cool!" The cashier gushed enthusiastically. "That must be fun."

     "Sometimes," I said and offered a smile. I realized she couldn't see my smile with the mask covering my lips. Embarrassed, I rubbed the base of my neck and pulled onto Dark Wonder's sweater. "Let's go."

     "You're like a child." He shook his head in what appeared to be disappointment. "Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Like, calm down. Find your inner chill, man. You're embarrassing me in front of the nice cashier."

     My face burned and I was suddenly grateful that we were wearing these masks. I let go of his sweater and avoided his gaze. I need to say something witty back. Something to redeem myself and throw him off guard.

     Something...what to say...hmm.

     Why am I drawing a blank? I'm sure there's something I can say back. If anything, he's the one who's embarrassing. Oh! I know what to do. Act like I'm not bothered. No reactive response is the best response. It used to work with Chad.

     "Sure sure. I'm so sorry," I conceded in a bored tone and waved my hand dismissively. I looked at the cashier who was still grinning at us. Playfully I asked, "Do you think Dark Wonder will forgive me?"

     She started to giggle. "If he doesn't, I will."

     I flushed at the way she said that. I feel like I just entered some uncharted territory. 

     "Fan-freaking-tastic!" Dark Wonder groaned. "Now you're flirting with the nice cashier."

     Wait, what?! We're not flirting. I looked at Dark Wonder and the cashier. They thought I was flirting?

     "Here," she said with a wink and handed me a slip of paper with a phone number. "Text me some time."

     Wait! What's happening? This wasn't the plan. 

     "Uh, thanks." I took the paper and slipped it in my pocket. 

     The tips of my ears went red and I stared at the floor very much confused with the turn of events. How did this happen? I don't even know her name. 

    "Nice!" C.U. chuckled through the intercom. "I didn't think you had it in you."

     "Let-Let's go," I stuttered and dragged Dark Wonder with me to the exit. I waved a quick polite goodbye and hid my face when she responded with a flirtatious slow wave. 

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