☫ Chapter 30 ☫

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☫ Chapter 30 ☫

With a trembling hand, I pulled down my beanie and slid on grandma's sunglasses.

     I wasn't sure before if grandma's sunglasses would come in handy but I noticed that the lenses were large enough to cover most of my face. They ended up unexpectedly becoming crucial as part of my unsuper disguise. If that's even a thing. Hopefully, grandma doesn't notice her missing accessory. 

      I sucked in a breath and mustered enough strength to not turn around. To not allow the impending curiosity win over my already scattered mind. I had to think clearly. Yes. Questions can wait. Answers aren't necessary right now. I have to just--I have to run as fast as I can and as far as I can. I don't think I can manage myself properly with Jeff and the information I inadvertently discovered.

     Too many unorganized thoughts were filling my mind.

     "Who sent you?!" Jeff blared, running down the stairs at an alarming rate. 

     Sighing, I picked up my speed. Nothing is ever simple it seems.

     One could make the safe assumption that at this point in my life I am able to predict that things will forever be unpredictable. And I say that's a safe assumption because it's been excruciatingly clear throughout the entirety of my story that if somethings going well it's not actually going well--as established previously--and that nothing is too crazy to occur in my life --briefly established only moments ago.

     However, as safe as it may be to assume, here I am, in unjustifiable shock of the predicament I am now in. 

     Because of course, of course, Jeff is dealing with the super drugs. 

     If this was me only a month ago I'd be going through an inner monologue and wallowing in abject sorrow in an attempt to understand the situation. However, priorities are different now. That thought process requires too much time. And at the moment, time is of the essence. I'm not saying I won't agonize about it later. I'm only saying there is a time and place for everything, so I've come to realize. And like I said, too many unorganized thoughts. 

     It's getting in the way of coming up with a legit strategy. 

     I ran with full speed, which isn't saying much as I am not an athletic person. Sure, I have super strength and can manipulate the air, and I have started getting better in fighting in combat due to boxing, nevertheless, I wasn't suddenly granted the ability to run faster than the ordinary person. Yet, I can imagine that I've somehow foreshadowed an event with super speed. I've come this far to learn that I appear to have the power of irony in my hands.

     I'll have to ask Dark Wonder if that's a part of being a superhero or if it's a me problem.

     I know I'm ranting. I tend to do that when I'm caught by surprise. I'm coping right now. I might not be having a pitiful episode as I mentioned before, but I am still experiencing quite a turbulence as I run. None of this makes sense to me, to be perfectly honest. Jeff informed me the other day that he thought these superheroes were doing good. Or something along those lines. So how can he go about acting as, I'm not going to say villain because that's a stretch, but not the greatest guy is a good enough synonym for what I'm thinking. How come he's a part of something as dangerous and detrimental to others as this?

     I'll resign myself and I'll fully confess that he's not the nicest person to me and all but I never thought he'd hurt others. Maybe he doesn't see it the way I do. Regardless, he's an accessory of some sort. Kind of an accomplice, really. Which is making me increasingly on edge. 

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