Chapter 17

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The group were sitting in the waiting room waiting for news about Shuhua. The manager was there waiting for the news also. The company already put out a news about Shuhua and telling fans not to worry about her. 

The doctor came out 

"Hello..are you the manager..." 

The manager nodded 

"I need you to come with me" 

The rest of group wanted to hear about Shuhua. 

"Well, she is going to be fine, but her injures were very serious, she probably wont be able to dance again, her rips are broken, her right arm is broken" 

The manager didn't know what to say "Thank you for telling me doc"

"Oh you can also visit her" while the doctor walked away

The manager went back to the waiting room to tell the rest of the girls. 

When he enter the room all the girls bombard him with questions

"Is she okay"

"will she recover" 

"can we visit her"

"Slow down girls, she is okay, and she will recover well not fully and yes we can visit her"

Soojin listen to his words very well "What do you mean not fully" 

The manager looked at Soojin and back to the 4 other girls, then sighed "She probably wont be able to dance again" 

"WHAT" they all said together. Soojin looked down about ready to cry again that's when Soyeon hugged her "we can visit her now go in first"

Yuqi looked at Soojin "Didn't you guys noticed that car was aiming right for Soojin...I mean...if it wasn't it would've honked or something...but---" yuqi was cut off by Miyeon covering Yuqi mouth. "Yuqi it isn't the time to talk about that" 

Soojin soon realized what Yuqi was talking and she was right,That car was aiming right for her and nobody else

But it wasn't time to talk about that, she walked into Shuhua room and looked at her and sat down next to her "Oh...Shuhua...I hate seeing you here like this babe...can you open your eyes for me please I want to see you look at me with your eyes" 

Nothing from Shuhua, not a single movement. Soojin was holding Shuhua hand and she never wanted to let go. Soojin turned her head and saw the necklace that looks just like her's and smiled "...This was your present wasn't it"  before she knew it she was tears were forming and tears starting running down her face, she wanted to be strong when she visited Shuhua but she couldn't. 

Finally Yuqi entered to see Soojin crying, and walked over and patted her on the back then hugged her "Hey...Soojin...its time to go" 

"Its that time already" soojin said and looked at Shuhua "I will be back my love" 

The rest of the group had to go back to company and do little bit of dance practice before they had to go to a award show. 

The group enter the company and saw pentagon. 

Hui smiling and saw Soojin alone. He walked over "Hey babe" he said that's when Soyeon  pulled Soojin to beside her and said "We are not in a mood to deal with anyone" 

Yanan looked at Hui " guys broken up stop it dude they lost one of their members due to a car accident" 

Hui muttered under his breath "Well..she shouldn't have stolen what was rightful mine" 

Yuqi heard it and looked his way "What did you said Hui" 

Hui shook his head "Nothing..." 

"No what the fuck did you say" Minnie grabbed her arm "Hey lets go..." and walked past them, that's when Yanan looked at Hui "What did you do" 

Hui shook his head once more "Nothing...just getting what is mi-" Hui face was met with Yanan fist. Hui got up and grabbed his face and laughed "What...I'm just getting what is mine" 

Hui looked at Yanan "I know you like that Yuqi girl wouldn't you try everything to get her" 

Yanan shook his head "No...I told her I liked her and she said she liked someone else and Hui...she is happy who she is with and I want what is best for her no matter what...but what you just did to don't deserved her anyways" 

Hui was about to hit Yanan but the boys stopped them and nodded their heads and told him the same thing. 

Hui just looked at Yanan "But no matter what she is still mine" Yanan just sighed and walked away but then turned around and said "If you even dare to get close to are going to get it Hui" 

The girls were dancing in the studio.

Yuqi said "Didn't you guys even hear Hui" 

The rest of girls stopped and Soojin just looked at Yuqi "What did he said" 

Yuqi replied back saying "Yanan was talking about Shuhua and Hui said Well... she shouldn't have stolen what was rightful mine" 

Minnie looked shocked "Don't you think he" Soyeon looked at the ground "I knew something was up on the day Shuhua left" 

Miyeon looked at Soojin who was also shocked " okay" 

Soojin put her hand on her head "no...I'm going to the bathroom for a bit

Soojin walked out of the dance room and  wash her face, once she was done she walked out of the bathroom and noticed the figure standing before her

"What are you doing here Hui" 

That's it...ohhh man thank you all for the support Im very grateful, I just thought of this story when I was bored in bed and started writing but thank you and Im sorry I don't update that much. I live in the United States and well its crazy and stuff  but be safe and this story is nearing the end, and I'm going to be very sad but thank you for all the support. 


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