Chapter 7

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Shuhua was standing there watching them argue "Soojin is still with him" and looked down "I'm not even surpised"

Soojin was arguing with him "Hui you rush things"

"Seriously Soojin I rush things...its been 2 whole years and I can't even make a move on you.."

Soojin looked behind him and saw Shuhua.

"Shuhua" she yelled without even thinking she just said her name, Shuhua looked at her, smiled. Under her breath "Shit why did I smile"

Hui turned around and saw Shuhua "Oh wow you are going to choose her over me"

Soojin turned to him "Yes Hui" Shuhua was shocked to hear those words "Huh?!?" she was confused Even basically telling Soojin to leave her alone, when they were in the room

Hui was furious when Soojin started to walk towards Shuhua.

Hui grab her wrist and slap her cross her face. Shuhua saw it all and ran over and pushed him "You asshole" Soojin was surpised by the sudden action that Hui did, grabbing her face.

Shuhua grab him by the collar when he was throw off by Shuhua "Hui don't you dare lay a another hand on her again"

Hui smiled "You think your threats are going to scare me "

Shuhua smiled at him and hit him in the spot that hurt and grab it and when down and looked back to Soojin, who still had her hand on her face who was about to cry.

Shuhua kneel down "Lets go back home Soojin" Soojin only nodded, Shuhua grabbed her hand. She thought to herself

"Its been so long since I held her hand" She squeeze it harder for Soojin to know that she was there. Soojin looked at her and smiled even though her face was in pain, she still loved it because Shuhua was there.

Shuhua led her all the way to the dorm. The girls were sitting there when they enter the dorm. Yuqi looked over and saw Soojin face red and looked at Shuhua who was holding her hand "What happened to you two"

Soojin looked at Shuhua to tell her what happened "Hui slapped Soojin so...I kick him where it hurts"

Miyeon hugged Soojin "you okay soojin...oh oh Shuhua can you get a ice pack for her face" Shuhua let go of her hand and when to get a ice pack for her.

The rest of the girls were mad "why would he."

"I know he was ugh..." They were furious.

Miyeon was in the room "You knew it was bad Soojin and yet"

Shuhua came into the room and said "I got the ice pack" Soojin smiled and nodded.

Miyeon looked at Shuhua "When did you get all-" Soojin hit her. Miyeon stopped and said "Take care of her Shuhua" and walked out.

Shuhua walked over to where Soojin was sitting on a couch that was in their room and put the ice on her face, while she put the ice there Shuhua was looking at Soojin and noticed how pretty Soojin got, her eyes were so beautiful, her lip, Shuhua was scanning her face and looked at her lips, she noticed and looked away.

Soojin put her hand on her face and pulled her face to look at her "Shuhua...I missed u"

That's the end of that chapter...I told myself I might as well updated today since I didn't update for the past 3 days sorry but I hope you enjoyed
Sorry if this was short chapter

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