"Here's the deal, we'll be on this bus about an hour before our first stop. Make sure you stay focused-" Aizawa turned in his chair to the bunch of rowdy teens shouting over each other

Their assigned seats went by their last names therefore Komei sat next to Kirishima.

The red head was in the midst of showing her a video on his phone, Mina and Uraraka were gushing on about what they were going to do at camp, Kaminari played some loud music as Iida tried to keep everything in order.

One word that sums up the whole bus ride? Chaos.

The tired eyed teacher sighed. "Why do I ever bother..."




"Yay we're here!" The pink haired energetic girl jumped

"Were actually not there yet Mina-" Komei sweat dropped

"Finally were off that bus-" Kaminari stretched

"Let me through, I gotta pee!!" Minaeta shouted

"This isn't much of a resting area-" Sero concluded looking around

"You don't think we stopped here just for you to stretch your legs so you?" Aizawa questioned 

"P-Pleasee sir, t-the t-toilet..."


"Hey there Eraser!!!"

"Long time no see!"

"These are the pro heroes you will be working with at the summer training camp" Aizawa introduced the heroes that exited the car

"The Wild Wild Pussycats!" Midoriya fanboyed over the team

"We own this whole stretch of land out here, the summer camp you're staying at is over there" Mandalay pointed across the forest

"At the base of the mountain-"


"Then why did we stop all the way out here?" Uraraka asked as Komei rose an eyebrow already understanding what they were planning

"It's currently 9:30 in the morning... it your fast about it, you might make it there by noon...

"No way!" Kirishima gasped

"Holy Crap!" Mina jumped

"Kitties who don't get there by 12:30 won't get any lunch!"

The rest of the class began to sprint as Pixie-bob used her quirk on the ground safely pushing the students off the cliff.

"Good news! Since this is private land, you can use your quirk as much as you want too! You got three full hours, you should be able to make it there in time... that is, if you could get through the beast forest-"

"Why do we keep falling for Aizawa's silly tricks..." Jirou groaned 

"It's what we do best..." Komei sighed pushing herself off the ground

"I guess there's no use complaining, might as well get a move on-" Kirishima brushed the dirt off his shirt

Mineta couldn't take it anymore. He was going insane and had to relieve himself.

Running into the forest without even a thought, the small boy came face to face with a giant rock monster.

"WE'RE ALL GOING TO DIE!!!" Kaminari and Sero spazzed

Midoriya quickly jumped and pulled Mineta out of the way.

Ironically Komei, Todoroki, Midoriya and Iida alongside Bakugou were the first ones to take off towards the creation and attacked.

Villainous Heroes (Bakugou x Oc)Where stories live. Discover now