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*thursday, JYP entertainment*

-Yesterday after we went out of the building where the stage was, we walked because the van was a bit far from the entrance. And suddenly I bumped into Jiho.. he wore a mask and I did too but mine was on my chin... since I wore a lot of makeup( more than usual) he didn't recognize me at first but he did after a few seconds. I explained to my manager who he was to me and she allowed us a few minutes to talk but really quick. The thing I didn't know.. was that people had time to see us and took pictures of us and posted it on the internet... and I saw it when I was at the dorm late at night. People wrote stuff like: are they dating? Relative? What are they doing ? Is Zico in a relationship with Y/n?..^ stuff like that.. it's a bit annoying because it reminds me our break up and all that but I guess it was expected one day huh? Only kyung and Yunhee know that Zico and I had a real relationship.. and that he's my step brother... the rest of the groups don't know about it.. but I'm sure they'll ask me soon.. but I guess a rumor  is on the web now... JY.P know that I'm single so I just need to wait for him to say that this isn't true and confirm that I'm single..right now I'm at the dorm getting ready for today because we have a lot to do... I'm about to leave with Kyung to wait for the others In the van to go to JYP. When I enter the van, I was talking with kyung waiting for the other girls. After a few minutes, they're finally here and Mihi speak.-

Mihi:"Y/n Eonnie?Is it true?"

Y/n:*I was quite calm but a bit stressed too* what ?"

Mihi:"The rumor.. I've seen it.. you know when yesterday Zico and you were talking?"


Yunhee:"Zico is her stepbrother since childhood and they dated before training-"

-I covered YunHee's mouth before she could say more even tho she said the majority of it..-

Y/n:"Omg Yunhee.."*I looked at her with big eyes*

Mihi:*she looked at me in shock* "is .. is that true ?"

-I wasn't moving, saying anything, shook.. and then I looked down and I told them everything....-

Heejin:"Ohhh I see...we forgive you for not telling us.. in fact I'm sure there's thing we haven't told each other yet right? Let's tell something !!"

-They all shared something too and kyung told us that a few months before debuting, she learned that the guy she was dating ;Jisung..^ was also an idol... and he's in the same company as every time she see him in the building... it's awkward...-

Heejin:"We are here!"

-We all enter the big building and went in the elevator and then heading to a practice room.. as we walked towards the practice room we heard music coming from another room.. it was another group from the agency.. Twice.. one of the member went out of the room to breath and saw's Jihyo.-

Jihyo:"Hey girls!"

Us:"Hello Jihyo!"

-She smiled back to us and then our manager came to join us.-

Manager:"Good morning girls! I hope y'all are good today because we have a lot to do!! Come on let's go! We are starting with stretches and then preparing next year comeback!"


Gaeun:" Yes we need to be productive! We need a theme, songs idea and all that.."

Manager:"Gaeun's right *she point Gaeun before turning back with some paper/ documents in the arms heading to the practice room* You all need to practice for the rest of the promotion as well! *she close the room door before putting the documents on a table*
Those documents are for ideas and work..*she smiles* okay girls I'll let y'all stretch. Y/n please come with me I need to talk to you.

-I followed her-

Manager:*she grabbed me by the shoulders, looked straight in my eyes and say*" what is the real relationship you have with Zico? I need to tell JY.P so he can respond back to the rumor. Please me honest*she then took a step back still looking Into my eyes but this time she crossed her arms.*can you please tell me?"

-Again, I explained all the story but I told her that I'm stressed because of people found out our relationship they are going to be disgusted. She explained me she'll only tell that I'm single so it can't bother our debut for now. I thanked her and went to stretched with the rest of the group while she called The boss.-

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