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Kyung:*While packing her clothes* "I can't believe we are going back home this night..."*Pout*

Yunhee:"Same..*sigh* I feel like it was to short but In the same times we was in America for about 1week and a half I guess ?"


-We finish packing and head down to the reception because we were going to the airport now even tho our flight is still in 5 hours..-

*4h45 hours later*


-It was my dad who just texted me.. he told me that he will be waiting for me at the airport with my step mother-

Yunhee:"I'm hungryyyyyy"

Kyung:"Here you go ... one coffee from Starbucks with a sandwich...."

Yunhee:"Thank you .. your the best.."

Y/n:"And me ? *pout*

Yunhee:"? Your the best too!!"

Y/n:"Haha thanks but it wasn't for that! Where's my Starbucks ?"

Kyung:"You didn't ask me !"

Y/n:"Yes I did !" *pout*

Kyung:"Just kidding :) here you go unnie!"

Y/n:"Ahh thank you"

-We ate and then we fell asleep until it was our time to go In.-

*15h30 later*
*at Busan airport*

Kwang:"My daughter!!"


-We hugged each other for 2 minutes.. then I hugged My step mom.-

Chunhei:"I'm happy to see you Y/n"

Y/n:"Me too :)"

-I said bye to my friends (even tho we are going to see each other really soon since we still have school and we are going to our new school in Seoul. And probably gonna auditions at an agency.) and then on the way home I talk about the whole trip to my father and Chunhei. I even bought them a souvenir.-

*At home*

Y/n:"I agree that I'm a bit sad that I'm not there anymore but It feel so good to be back home !!"

Kwang:"It feels good to have you back around! It felt so empty !!"

Y/n:"Awn dad !"

-I hugged him again.. then I went to my room because I wanted to sleep..-

*The next day*
Current time: 15h

-I woke up 1h ago... as I went down because I was hungry my dad was watching the Tv with Chunhei.-

Chunhei:"Hello sleepyhead."


Kwang:"How are you feeling today ?"

Y/n:"I don't know haha..."

Chunhei:"The schools give you 3 days with no school to regains your sleep and all that."

Y/n:"Yay !"*I said it with a sleepy voice and face..*

Kwang:"There's some fried rice and kimchi left for you"

Y/n:"Okay thank you."

-I passed the rest of the day in pyjama and snuggle up with my dad and my step mom on the couch..-

*A week later*

Kwang:"Everything you need is packed?"


Kwang:"let's go then"

Y/n:"Bye Chunhei!"

-I gave her a big hug!-

-Seoul here I come !-

Hey everyone!
Soojji here !
I'm really sorry if the chapters are short
It's because I'm doing it by category and related to the titles..
So when one chapter end ,
It end with the meaning kind of.. of the next chapter...
idk if It's understandable haha
Anyway hope you enjoyed it
Bye !!

My Good Step BrotherOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora