Secret love

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- After this sudden confession, I was a little bit in shock, I push him away a little-

Y/n:"Me too but I- I need to think about it Jiho."*I looked away*

Jiho: "But you, you love me back right ?"

Y/n:"Yes I do is just , you know, if kyung know it, she won't be my friend anymore and.. I'm really close to her you see ?"

Jiho: "But her and I it's over..."

Y/n:"I know but -"

- He kissed me again.. even though I enjoyed it, I still need to think about what just happened-

Y/n:"I'm sorry ...i can't do this right now..."

jiho: "ok I get it...let's just go home.."

-we jumped back in the car and he dropped me at my appartment. He still gave me a hug before I open the door. he whispered in my ear to call him back to give him an answer. when he left, i open my door and I saw my one and only Yunhee sleeping on the couch...mouth open with saliva on the side and a bottle of whipped cream and a bag of chips. wait a minute how did she got in here ??? oh yeah..she have a spare key.... but why is she here though....meh..I'll just wake her up.-

Y/n:*get close to her* "yunhee...."*don't make a move* "yunhee?!..."*still nothing* "YUNHEE!!!"

*She jumped out of the couch*

yunhee: "AAHH what happened !!!!!"

Y/n:"silly"* chuckle* "what are you doing here?"

yunhee: "well when I got your text this morning about your date ... i planned to come here so you can explain me everything fully detailled :).. but when i got here you weren't there so i just waited....anyway ! I wanna know E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G!"

- I explained everything, even the little details like ; the feelings, the look, all that!-

yunhee: "ohhh my god! I can't believe your step brother kissed you!! i won't tell kyung about this I promise."

Y/n:"thank you..But what should I do ?"

yunhee: "do what your heart tells you.. and call him back after..but for me clean my mess .. sorry about that by the way.."

Y/n:"yeah okay..."* chuckle*

yunhee: "what?"

Y/n: *laugh*

yunhee: "yahh tell me !"

Y/n:"you-"* laugh* "you have- you have some whipped cream in your hair!"*laugh*


-she took some whipped cream and put some on my nose-


-After that we cleaned my living room and she went back to her appart. I then took a shower and went to sleep thinking to what happened with Jiho tonight.-

*3 days later*

-Jiho tried to call me a few times but I didn't answer... I don't know why... I've been ignoring kyung ( text ect) for a few days too but when I saw her or YunHee "forced me" to stay with them at lunch I felt real awkward... and Yunhee felt it.....I've been stressing about school too and I remembered that I missed my little sister's birthday....I'm going to buy her a gift..
We are Tuesday right now...I'm at school and I'm going to have the last class of the day.....ugh I'm to tired to dance-

*1 and a half hours later*

-After taking a shower because I was sweating..I got a call from Jiho...I decided to answer this time...I went outside because we can't have a call inside the building.. so I went so sit near a tree and answered the call-

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