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*A week later, Friday afternoon, training center*

-I walked quickly towards the dance studio because I tried avoiding people. Why ? Because I'm feeling pain right now. The fact that I broke up with Jiho made me sad even tho I'm still in his life in a's been a week since I started training. It's hard..waking up early and all that..because I'm one of the oldest ( including the girls) the training is more hard because we are older...the maximum time we have to train before debut is 2 years maybe I don't know.. but we are already a group for training and if we are lucky our group we'll debut... we are the same 8 girls.. nothing changed.. and today I'm training my dance skills with Heejin. Again. Heejin and I auditioned for the rap so most of our training are together.. she's nice...-


-I turned around-


Heejin:"Wait for me!"


-We Walked together until we reached the studio... we danced for about 2-3 hours and then we went to our rap lessons... Sunday is our day off's the day where the trainees who are in school study or do some homework's or just doing some training or something else..-

Heejin:"what are you planning to do Sunday?"



Y/n:"It's the only way I can think of something else."

-She know for my break up..-

Heejin:"Ah I see..."

*sunday morning training center*

-I've been here since 6 am. It's now 9 am.. and I'm training... I've been doing that and hiding in the bathroom to cry. I barely talk to others. Even the staff is worried. They think it'll affect my work...I'm not going to lie... I think too. And I'm already so tired.....
Kyung and the other girls don't know what to do anymore.....even tho Yunhee is sad too and kyung too but they are hiding it.....-

*weeks later, training center, exam day*

-Today is our first monthly exam... I'm really's that time of the month where our weights are being checked ect... our group made a choreography and we need to show it and it'll be judge and all and if we pass the exam everything will be fine... our roles are selected for debut... I'm being the main rapper.. I have other roles but this is the one I need to focus...our debut is set to be in maximum a year and a half....some of the girls in our group we're here for a long Gaeun she was a trainee for 3 years now...I just can't wait to debut....Even tho I've been kinda isolated...-

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