"Jiho like in Zico?"

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-I dropped my fork-

Kyung:"Are you okay?"

Y/n:"Hum it's just that my step brother's name is Jiho.."

Kyung:"If it can rassure you it's Woo Jiho or Zico.. I'm lucky to have him right?"

Y/n:"yep...It's my step brother .."

-I took my food and went outside to eat alone....I cried a bit but then I saw Jiho's car ....I didn't move he saw me crying ....he went to me-

Jiho:"You okay?"

Y/n:"Huh? Yeah I'm fine..."


Y/n:"What are you doing here? Are you here to pick up your girlfriend?"

Jiho:"How do you know I have a girlfriend?"

-Jiho put his mask real quick-

Y/n:"Kyung is my new friend ... Yunhee, my best friend, introduced me to her this morning..."

Jiho:"Oh okay.. well yeah we are going to the beach for a date .."

Y/n:"Oh okay then .. Have fun ..."

-I left him like that ... and went back inside to find Yunhee... She was talking with a boy... I think it was like .... A boy named ...Jungkook?-

Yunhee:"Hey ! Where were you?"

Y/n:"Hum ... nowhere ..."

Yunhee:"Nah...I know you...Did you cry?"

Jungkook:"Hey Y/n.!"

Y/n:"Maybe....Hey Jungkook."

Yunhee:"Sorry I didn't told you...Jungkook and I got together yesterday...."

Y/n:"That's nice ...And I'm here alone..."

Yunhee:"What? No! You're going to find someone...I promise."

Y/n:"If you say so..Well I'm gonna get my things for music class...see ya later and have fun.."

Yunhee:"Y/n! Ugh!"

-I left-

Yunhee:"She's overdramatic sometimes..."

Jungkook:"Maybe she's stressed or something is bothering her. You should go up to her I'm gonna go see the boys."


-I was in the bathroom ...Since I cried my mascara was a little bit a mess..So I put some back ....I don't even know why I cried...-


Y/n:"How did you know I was in here ?"

Yunhee:"A girl told me"


Yunhee:"So...Is there something bothering you? Or any reason why you cried?"

Y/n:"Well I don't know why I cried and I think I'm really overdramatic haha..I'm sorry..."

Yunhee:"Yeah...Maybe... it's fine..."

-She rubbed my back..-

Y/n:"Are you skipping?"

Yunhee:"No why?"

Y/n:"Kyung is skipping.."

Yunhee:"Let her be....She seemed annoyed but I swear she's a good person.."


-As we walked to class I asked her..-

Y/n:"When and where did you met her?"

My Good Step BrotherOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant