Teething and work

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Diana relaxed as she cleaned the house. She heard a cry from her room. She checked the time frowned. She knew this is not the time he would usually wake up. Diana went to see what's going on. William was standing in the crib and crying. He must've woken up. 

'Hey, buddy. What's going on?' Diana asked as she moved closer to him. 'I'm right here, honey'.

She simply let him sit down and she stood there trying to calm him down to sleep again but he didn't sleep. His cries grew more and he once again stood up and clutching Diana's sleeve and trying to climb out of the crib. Diana picked him up from the crib and took him to her bed. She lay down. William soon followed, he fell asleep rather quickly.

Diana woke up first and took William in her arms as she rocks him to sleep. Once he fallen asleep, she lowers him his crib and she took the baby monitor and start cooking breakfast. Sometimes later, Charlie and Bella comes downstairs.

'Hey, Morning,' said Diana as she resumed cooking. She was clearly to tired. Bella notices this also.

'What happened? Did you not sleep well yesterday?' Bella asked.

'No, he's been crying all night and only went to sleep around midnight,' said Diana.

'Why? doesn't he always sleep through the night?' Charlie asked.

'He used to not sleep through the night but now he's doing it all over again,' said Diana. The baby monitor flares as William screams. 'Bells, can you bring him? I'm almost done cooking'.

'Sure,' said Bella. She went to Diana's room and turned on the light. 'Hi, Will. Why are you crying?'

'Ma-ma?' William said crying as he tried to climb out of the crib.

'Well, let's go see her then,' said Bella as she picked him up. William nibbles his finger as they went downstairs.

'Hi, good morning,' said Diana as she placed the food on the table. 

William cried as he tried to reach for her. She picked him up and she let him sit in the dining table and started to feed some eggs. But he dives into her chest and pulls her shirt to nurse.  

'You want ba-ba now. You need eat eggs honey and then you can ba-ba later,' said Diana. But he cries harder and pulls her shirt and starts nursing. 'Man, this teething thing is hard'.

Diana puts some more to her plate and starts eating the eggs as she nursed William. William cried as he nursed. He unlatched and starts crying. Diana tried to latch him again. William finally latches himself as he nursed.

'You better make an appointment with Dr Cullen. I'm sure he'll have things he need at home,' said Charlie. 

'All right, Alice said she'll pick me up in an hour,' said Diana. As she cradles him as she gets up to her room. She unlatches him from her breast and he starts crying. 

Diana gets lays him in his crib and goes to take a shower. She starts tearing up when he cries. Bella goes to Diana's room. William clenches his fists towards Bella, indicating to her to pick him up. Bella complies as she picks him as she rocks him back and forth. This ceases his crying as he stares at Bella's face. William takes Bella's finger and starts munching on it. She massages his gums. This relieves William's pain a little bit as he starts munching. Diana exits the shower dressed.

'Awwww......... is aunt Bells, making you feel better?' Diana cooed. Hearing Diana's voice William looks up smiling with Bella's finger still in his mouth. Diana picks out the outfit for William. 'Will, it's bath time'.

William hold his arm to pick him up. Diana stands there waiting for him to say it.

'Ma-ma, up,' said William as he tries to stand up. Diana smiles as she picks him up and combs through his hair as he cuddles in her neck.

Diana takes him to get him bathed and dressed up. After the bathe, Diana holds him as he sleeps in her arms. She takes him to her room and lays him in her bed and starts dressing him up trying not to wake him but her actions failed. He wakes up crying again. 

'Sorry, honey. Ma-ma was just trying to dress you up. We're going bye-bye now,' said Diana as she puts his dress and holds him in her hips. He stopped crying.

'Bye bye?' William asked confused.

'Yeah, we're going to see Alice, Esme and the others,' said Diana. William's face lights up. 

'Jazz?' William asked. Diana chuckled.

'Yes, we're going to see, Jasper too,' said Diana. She starts packing things she need for their trip. She can hear the car honk as she picks up the bags and runs down the stairs and goes out of the house with the car seat in her other hand.

Alice runs towards them, as she extends her hand towards William. He complies and jumps into her arms. She happily swings him around making him laugh.  Antony gets off the car and helps Diana with her things.

'Thanks,' said Diana. Antony smiles as he looks over Alice as she plays with William. 'I take it you want to make her laugh forever like that. She's cute when she laughs'.

'Yes, I want her to feel better even if this the last thing I'll ever do,' said Antony.

'i'm sure, William would be delighted to make her smile,' said Diana. 'Will, come on let's go'.

Alice brings him and straps him into his car seat. William whines as he pouts.

'Ohhh........I'll get you out as soon as we reach,' said Alice as she climbed the front passenger side. Diana sits next William as he babbles away. Diana closed her eyes falling asleep in an instant. She was woken up when William cries as he trying to reach for her. She leans in towards him so he could hold her. They reach the Cullen's house soon. Esme stands outside waiting for them. Diana climbs out and gets William in her arms. He wiggles out of her arms as she lets him run around. Diana picks her bag and goes to greet Esme. Esme hugs Diana tightly. William watches this as Diana also hugs Esme. He runs towards Diana and hugs her leg trying to stand in front of them crying. He holds his hands up to Diana to pick him up. Diana picks him up as William buries his head in her shoulder.

'Sorry, he's jealous about anyone who's hugging me,' said Diana as she rubs his back trying to sooth him.

'No, it's no problem,' said Esme. 'I think its cute. Come in please'.

'Ummmmm, Esme. Is Carlisle available to make an appointment for William. He is due with his 15 months appointment,' said Diana.

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