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A white light blinded me as I woke up. My head was pulsing from absolute agony. I tried to reach up and feel my head to see the bump, but my hands were tied. I grumbled in frustration then shook around in my constraints. I looked to my left and saw Matthew tied up as well. I scooted over then kicked him to wake him up. I could tell he was exhausted from getting tased earlier, just like me.

He yawned. "Just give me a few more..." He trailed off.

I kicked him again, much harder. "Matt, just WAKE UP!"

His eyes sprung open, "What do you want?!" His anger simmered down when he looked around the room. "Oh," He said, "Sorry for yelling at you."

"It's alright, let's just get out of here. Along with Wild." I said.

"And how are we gonna do that?" Matthew retorted.

"Well, let's start with getting out of these ropes."

"And how are we gonna do that?" He repeated, rather vexatiously, might I add.

I lifted my hands onto my lap, free of restraints. "What? Did you think I wouldn't come prepared?" A knife in my left hand.

"How the fu-" I raised my hand, signaling for him to shut up. I cut the ropes on my feet, and moved to Matt to help him out. He had a shocked expression on his face.

"C'mon! We have to get out of here." I grabbed Wilder and ran up the stairs. With Matthew right behind me, I reached out to the door handle hastily. I opened the door and there stood Logan. He pushed me to the ground. Wilder screamed and sobbed loudly.

Matthew shoved Logan against the wall, holding him by his collar. "Who do you think you are, Logan?"

Logan smirked, despite the strained look on his face. He opened his mouth to speak but Matt cut him off my putting his hands around his throat. Closing off his precious airways. I don't feel any special pain or sympathy for Logan, but I did know that if this went any further the trial wouldn't let off so easily like my last incident. This would be murder, plain and simple. And I couldn't let that happen.

"Stop!" I pushed Matthew away from Logan. "You have to stop."

Matthew looked defeated, "He stole Wilder! He stole our baby!"

I rested my hand on his shoulder, "I know, but is this really going to solve any of our problems. Killing him won't help anything." I looked outside and you could hear the police sirens not far from us. "And it wouldn't help us either."

Police cars pulled into the long, winding driveway. I did, however, still feel quite a bit of anger towards Logan. So I punched him, giving him a black eye, then the police walked in. They questioned us about the whole turn of events, and I told them about how he raped me. Knowing no one would ever believe him if he said otherwise. It wasn't a total lie, he did rape me, he just wasn't the Father. I hope they don't look into that.
Anyway, it took a few hours for us to be let free to go back home with Wilder in our arms. The first thing I did when I was back home, and I knew Wilder was safe, was hold him in my arms. Bray, Cole, Dom and Janelle rushed over to me.

It was like they were doing a reenactment of the interrogation I received from the police.
'Is he okay?', 'Is Wilder hurt?', 'Are you okay?', 'What happened?'. They spoke quite loudly.

"Everything's fine. Wilder's okay now, and he won't be in danger again." I held Wilder on my hip and walked him to his crib.

I looked to the threshold of Wilder's room. Matthew stood there, leaning against the door, with a delicate smile on his face. "What a great day, huh?"

I stood up. "Very relaxing. Just sitting around, doing nothing. I love days like these."

"Oh my yes." He snapped his fingers and walked away, gesturing for me to follow. Before I walked out of the room I turned to look at Wilder, asleep in his crib.


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