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The best thing about being surrounded by people you love, is the lack of negativity. Which is a good thing, of course. But, like any normal friend group, there are times when you can't help but be annoyed. Then, I think the worst thing about being surrounded by people that annoy you is, as long as they're the only people you talk to, you now have no one you can talk to. I'm not so jazzed about that. Bray has done nothing but talk about how excited she is about Cole and her, and I mean, that's great, but all the time? Is that really necessary? So, I've started to only hang out with them when we're working out. I've had to decrease in that subject though, because of the baby.
I worked as a mechanic in a town right outside the city. My boss gave me maternity leave longer than they usually do. I was the first girl mechanic at his place, and out of all the guys, except for him, I was the hardest worker. I never missed a day of work. We've been working on my car together. It's a black 2012 Dodge Challenger, and just now that car pulled up to my driveway, with my boss, Allen Ramone, in the drivers seat.
I rushed outside immediately.

"Allen!" I yelled.

He got out of the car, with the biggest smile on his face, "Hey, kid."

"W-what are you doing here? Is he done?" I asked excitedly. I ran my hands over the hood of my car, he was beautiful.

"He's done alright, and all yours now." Allen leaned on the car. I immediately wrapped my arms around him in a hug.

"Thank you so so much Allen. How much do I owe you?" I asked.

"Well, considering the parts, and how much I got it for. It comes to a total of...  nothing." He smirked.

"W-what'd you say? You cannot be serious! I couldn't possibly let you do that." I said, backing away in shock.

"Don't try it kid, you deserve it. Especially the little one on the way," he smiled. "Speaking of, do you know the gender yet?"

"Yeah, it's a boy."

"A boy," he repeated, "Good for you. Have a great day, make sure you take good care of him."

"I will."

I drove Allen back to the shop, and drove back home. This was one of the best feelings ever. I sat in the car for a few more hours. I heard someone walking up to the car, "Who is it?"

I heard them laugh softly, "It's Bray."

"Hey Bray, what's up?" I'm sure she could hear the lack of interest in my voice.

"Look, Juno. I know I haven't really been hanging out with you for a while or anything-"

I cut her off, "A while? Ever since we've been working out with Cole, we haven't hung out together, just us, once."

Her gaze dropped to the ground, "I know. I know, well, how 'bout we hang out right now. I mean you have a car now too, why don't we go do something?"

I huffed.

"C'mon, I know you've been wanting to watch the new Pitch Perfect 3..." She said.

I couldn't fight the smile from creeping on my face, "Yeah, yeah, yeah. Let's go.

Seven months later. . .

"HOW COULD SOMETHING POSSIBLY HURT THIS MUCH!" My screams filled the air, as I attempt to push my son out of my body, while holding the hand of Bray. But, before we continue, we should take a few steps back.

5 hours earlier...

"This. is. impossible." I said.

"It's not impossible; you're just giving up too fast." Jackson said. He is my tutor, he's been my tutor for five months now. I've had to do schooling from a tutor for the baby. I had blown up quite a bit since summer ended. We had decided on a name already. My boys name will be: Wilder Apollo Porter. Taking my last name, of course. I would never give any speck of ownership of Wilder to his father. Who I can barely call his father.
Interrupting my thoughts, a knock sounded at the door.

"Could you get that, Jackson?" I sat back down, with a considerable amount of effort.

"No problem, Juno." Jackson opened the door, and said hello.

I looked over and saw two handsome men standing at the door. One a complete stranger, and one completely familiar, and a complete disgrace on this Earth.

"Juno, this is my youngest son, Hadrian. This other fellow though, he says his name is Matthew Kelsa. Says he knows you." I would've fawned at the adorable features of Jackson's elementary school age son, if only Matthew wasn't here. The absolute bane of my existence.

"Hadrian can come in. Matthew will never be allowed in this household." I demanded.

"Please, Juno. I want to apologize. For how rude I was all those years-" I cut him off by standing up. My swelled stomach made him take a step back in shock.
"W-what? How did this happen?"

"I'm sure you'd remember," I said, my voice dripping with sarcasm and pure hate. "You were there when it happened, I'm fact you were the cause of this."

"Wait, no I wasn't? I- oh my god," His face gleamed with realization. "I forgot about that. Please forgive me- I would never do that now. I'm not like that anymore. I've changed! If it's really mine, then please let me raise it." He pleaded with such desperation there was a possibility I could've felt sorry for him. In another world, yes, here on Earth, no.

"You will never be allowed custody to this boy, and I will never let you see him, touch him, or even know his name. You are despicable, and I loathe you with a passion so great. If murder was legal you would be lying on my floor right now, with your head DECAPITATED FROM YOUR BODY. DO YOU UNDERSTAND NOW? GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!" The loud boom of my voice rang through the house. I felt as if the foundation shook from underneath me. Tears fell from Matthew's face, but sympathy was not one of my strongest subjects. He closed the door, and left. Who knew if I would ever see him again. I continued with my homework, after talking to Hadrian for awhile. All of a sudden I felt an odd feeling in my stomach. Next thing I knew, there was a giant wet spot on the couch.

"Oooooh my God, my water BROKE!" I yelled. I stood up in amazement. We immediately drove to the hospital, and I had been in labor for four hours. Which brings us to now.
. . .

"Here he comes, here he comes. One more push!" The doctor said.

I pushed.

"I've got him!" I could hear my baby's crying, especially since I wasn't screaming anymore. More like panting.

"Want to cut the umbilical cord?" She asked me.

"Bray, would you do me the honor?" I smiled wearily.

She started to tear up, "I would love to."

After Bray was done, I was handed my son, in a blue blanket. Complimenting his golden eyes, which looked like they were spun from straw by Rumplestiltskin himself. His barely-there tufts of hair was a deep, chocolatey brown, and his skin was a beautiful olive-toned color. I traced his plump cheeks and I felt the hot tears stream down my face as he grabbed my finger. He let go, and started to cry.

"Have you chosen a name yet?" The nurse asked.

"Yes, his name is Wilder Apollo Porter."

I kissed his forehead, and I handed him to the nurses. Where they would bring him to his incubator. He was a month premature, so he had to stay here for a week or so longer. I rested my head against the pillow, completely content with my life, but specifically my son.

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