The Engagement Ball...

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As the dance continued, the dancers eventually tired and began to disassemble for refreshments

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As the dance continued, the dancers eventually tired and began to disassemble for refreshments.

While sipping at some rosé wine, Astre sat at one of the many tables littering the sides of the room with Sebastian.

"Alors, comment avez-vous mis cela ensemble?" Astre asked (So, how'd you put this together?)

"Avec le retour de ma pleine puissance, il était facile de gérer autant de rats. Il n'y en a que vingt." Sebastian replied (With my full power returned it was easy to manage this many rats. There's only twenty of them.)

"Vous ne vous sentez donc pas fatigué du tout?" Astre asked, wanted to be clarified (So you aren't feeling tired at all?)

"Non, mon amour, je ne suis pas fatigué. Je ne peux ressentir de l'épuisement que lorsque je suis vorace." Sebastian answered, stroking Astre's hand in his (No, my love, I am not tired. I can only experience exhaustion when I am ravenous.)

"D'accord." Astre said (Okay.), smiling softly at him, "J'imagine qu'il y aurait une crise si ces crétins découvraient un jour des rats à leur service. Il convient aux rats de servir des rats." (I imagine there would be a fit if these morons ever discovered rats were serving them. It's suitable for rats to be serving rats.)

"En effet, ça l'est." Sebastian agreed, chuckling (Indeed it is.)


Across the room, Ciel was furious.

All of his life, no matter what social gathering he went to, he had always been the center of attention.

After all, he was the heir to one of the richest families in England, the future Queen's Watchdog!

Everyone paid attention to him! Not his stupid sickly spare!

But, yet, the universe seemed to be confused since Astre had all the attention tonight.

Growling softly, Ciel walked over to his younger twin once the later was finally alone —Lizzy, who was dressed like a ghost, following dutifully behind him.

Once they arrived at the refreshment table, where Astre was picking up a few hors d'oeuvres to snack upon.

Astre sighed when he saw them, "I already know what you're going to say, Ciel, something about stealing your spotlight and then you'll threaten me; save it. You've had your entire life in the spotlight, I think I'm entitled to two days. The only 'spotlight' I want is tonight and my wedding day, and then it's all yours and I'll be out of your hair forever."

That's when Ciel realized what tonight was: Astre was going to get proposed to.

That wasn't fair! He had been betrothed to Lizzy since birth and yet his spare had been in courtship for less than a year and yet was getting engaged first!

Now livid, Ciel reacted in anger and grabbed his twin by the throat, pressing his nails against Astre's neck, growling, "If you keep this up, the only day in the spotlight you'll be getting is your funeral!"

Anima Luctuosa Dæmoni: a O!Ciel X Sebastian & R!Ciel X LizzyWhere stories live. Discover now