The Engagement Ball...

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Narrator's POV

Around a month after the disaster on the Campania, after Astre suffered through another round with a cold, the Phentomhives were invited to another costume ball.

Though, unlike the Samhain Ball, this ball was hosted by Duke Crowther for reasons unknown.

Well, unknown to all except for the Duke, Earl Phantomhive and Astre.

Astre was going to be publicly proposed to, the ball was being held to celebrate that and the theme was to honor how they 'met'.

Knowing this, Astre was once again dressed up as a demon, though he wore a different costume.

Unlike his grander costume from last time, this one was simpler and designed to give him a devilish innocence.

He wore a plum colored blouse that had a white bib-like collar that tied around his neck with a white and black striped ribbon, but the blouse itself was tied around his waist with a long violet ribbon —both of which were ripped up towards the bottom—, he also wore black shorts over white and plum spiraled stockings that left non of his skin exposed, additionally he wore black gloves that went all teh way up his arm —though you couldn't tell that due to the long puffy sleeves of his blouse— as well as plum and black heeled boots, black demon horns and a plum tail.

He wore a plum colored blouse that had a white bib-like collar that tied around his neck with a white and black striped ribbon, but the blouse itself was tied around his waist with a long violet ribbon —both of which were ripped up towards the bot...

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This time, Ciel was dressed not as a pirate, but as a skeleton, wearing a suit with a matching black top-hat adorned with a white bow whilst his skin was painted lightly to emphasize his skeletal shape.

Rachel, this time was dressed as Cleopatra and Vincent as Julius Caesar.


A few days before, Duke Crowther pair a visit to Earl Phantomhive a few hours after lunch.

They met within the Earl's office and, as was custom, Duke Crowther asked for permission to propose to Astre.

The permission was granted and a dowry of £10,000 was agreed upon.


Upon arrival to Crowther Manor, Astre saw it more packed than he had ever seen it before and judging by the amount of servants bustling around he hoped Sebastian wouldn't get tired.

Once the family was brought inside, they immediately found him selves greeted by their host —who was once again dressed as a vampire.

"Good evening." 'Alexandre' greeted to the family, then turning to Astre and kissing his hand, "How are you this evening?"

Astre smiled and followed him away from his family, on his arm as he greeted other guests.

As the party progressed, dancing began and, obviously, the host and his fiancé were the center of attention.

In the center of the dance floor, Duke Crowther and Astre danced beautifully.

Even though the bluenette was messing up half the steps and constantly stepping in his partners feet, their dance looked far more exciting than the robotic movements of the rest of the dancers who were dancing perfectly.

Anima Luctuosa Dæmoni: a O!Ciel X Sebastian & R!Ciel X LizzyWhere stories live. Discover now