Chapter 9

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"We all are going to the Al Ghariya resort . " Ranvir texted in the group chat which consisted of Jaani , Intezah , Hisham , Suben and Anaya.

Hisham: Bro, we all are just downstairs . Why couldn't you come and tell us ?

Ranvir : Well it's not good for the baby .Im sure he needs rest.

Anaya : Uh? Which baby?

Ranvir : Me ;) , I'm the baby . Well why walk all the way down there when I can just inform you through texts ?Comon, you should make use of the technology .

Kabir : Why are we going to the resort?

Ranvir : For my concert , the stage will be set up near the Al-Ghariya beach in the evening at 5pm .

Intezah : Who will pay for the stay in resort ?

Ranvir : What are you my lovely rich friends for ? ;)

Everyone in the group chat : No way!

Ranvir : Haw , No one loves me :(.

Jaani:🙄Always the drama queen . Sometimes , I wonder if you are a transgender because  of  your girly tactics.

Intezah:😂😂Dude do you remember during 5th standard he stole the pink nail polish from Krushna's house during her bday party and next day he removed his socks and showed  us his  pinky toes?

*Ranvir left the chat *

Suben: Always the drama queen.

Suben felt something falling from his neck . It had a chalky texture .He looked up to see the source from where it was coming from when Ranvir smashed the whole bag of flour onto his face .

Intezah laughed seeing Suben's face when he picked the flour from the floor and shoved it on her face ."You are the one who brought up the nail polish thingy and started it ."

Ranvir had carried a lot of flour bags with him  from the kitchen . He shoved the next bag onto Kabir's head .

"And you ! You call yourself my BFF . You won't even pay for me." Ranvir stated dramatically .

Kabir took a flour bag and aimed at Ravir but he ducked and it hit Anaya causing her to widen her eyes . She wasn't happy with that while Hisham and Suben threw bags at her too with evil grins on their faces.

Jaani was amused . Sometimes, she was non existent to the people around her but at this moment she was really glad that she wasn't being noticed .Everyone was so busy attacking each other and she was pretty much entertained by the chaos around her .

That's when Kabir noticed her and started to make his way to her . She realised he was coming for her and tried to run away but it was of no avail as Kabir had grabbed her arm and pulled her towards him .

Jaaniya's heart beat quickened . It was the first time she was in such a close proximity with Kabir . It didn't seem to affect Kabir but Jaaniya sure did experience weird and tingly things on her palms .

He applied the flour on her cheeks and grabbed a flour packet and poured it all on her .

"You thought you would escape this . Didn't you?. Nuh-uh." He whispered into her ears which made her shiver .

Kabir was then pulled away by the rest of them for the fight .

Jaaniya was frozen in her spot .

Never in her life she imagined that she would start falling for Kabir Verma .


The stay at Al- Ghariya resort was for five days . The group grew closer and everyone were pretty comfortable with each other . Even Anaya started to like the company too , for the first time in her life , she didn't feel like people were using her .

Jaaniya was swinging in the park while others were on the poolside of the resort . Jaaniya found herself smiling and being free of sadness for the first time in a while .

"Ah , swinging alone. I see." Kabir said sitting on the next swing to her .

Ever since the flour fight day , Jaaniya started noticing Kabir so much , she took in his features and admired them .

"Can I ask you something ?", Kabir asked to which Jaani nodded for him to continue .

"You and Shubhu were so close but then after 10th ,you people kind of drifted apart from each other . Was there any reason ?"

"Well, first it started of something stupid . But then slowly her parents compared her with me and the fights between us worsened ."

"What was the stupid reason?".

"She thought I liked you ." Jaaniya chuckled .

This sure did alert Kabir ."And did you ?"

"No, at that time I didn't . I knew you kind of had a dark family background and I was curious to know more about you so I could relate to someone else around me . But since Shubhu liked you , she was paranoid and thought I did too and argued with me on that."

"I was a arrogant , rude dick back then . I wonder what she saw in me ."

"You still are all of those things to the people you aren't close to ."

Kabir grinned as he knew she was right . "But I was a person full of flaws . What did she even see me ?"

"Your flaws are perfect for the heart that is meant to love you ."

"That was deep." Kabir laughed .


Jaaniya tried to get up but quickly realized how futile it was when she had to bite her lip to keep from crying out .Sharp pain laced through her head and snaps of memories flashed infront of her eyes , it felt like her whole body had been beaten and every moment caused some muscle or bone to ache .

Her head was spinning and it was as if her tongue felt too big  for her mouth. She started reaching out for water but that's when it vanished .

All of sudden , the pain faded away into thin air . She breathed in and out .

They were back .

Her memories .

Some of you may feel like this is soon but I don't like to pull things and make it long and Dr Parul said the memory loss was temporary and could be back anytime . Just two or one chapter and then it will be the end of this book . :)

How was the chapter ?

Flaws| ✔️जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें