Chapter 3

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Flashback continues :
Kabir's pov:
Today , we have Maths for periodical and I would be lying if I said that it didn't shock me seeing Jaaniya's seat empty . She was the one who didn't even miss the tiniest class tests .

Subhaanshi turned over and gave me a small smile which I returned but that smile faded when she stared behind me and guilt took over her features.

I turned back to see Intezah Haseeb glaring at Subhaanshi .

Intezah Haseeb was the one and only best friend of Jaaniya Goenka . Actually there was a squad in the class which consisted of Subhaanshi , Ranvir , Intezah and a guy named Hisham . Jaaniya and me were kinda part of that too but the thing was I only got along and talked to Ranvir in that gang and Jaaniya to Intezah.

"Your annoying best friend is absent ?", I asked Intezah quite  curiosly.

"She is sick but that bitch would come for sure . She is Jaaniya Goenka , she wouldn't miss a test",Intezah replied while continuing her glaring session with Subhaanshi .

Just when the bell was about to ring , Jaaniya entered the class . I would be lying if I said I didn't feel bad seeing her face . She was very pale and there were beads of sweat on her forhead formed due to her high temperature . She nodded at Intezah and sat on the empty desk which was near the teacher's table and away for all of us .

Subhaanshi kept staring at Jaaniya but Jaaniya didn't even glance at her . The normal cheerful Jaaniya Goenka would glance at everyone in the class and wish them all the best with her best smile but something was off with her and even I could sense that .

~Flashback ends~

Kabir's Pov:

It was weekend and Intezah was over at our house currently watching The Vampire Diaries with Jaaniya while our maid Gupti was preparing milk for Neha.

Intezah and Hisham were already setteled here after their marriage .Well they both did like each other a lot but never confessed to each other during school times .

But Jaani being Jaani couldn't stand this . She added them both into a group chat and made them admit to each other and eventually Intezah and Hisham became a thing making Jaaniya Goenka a third wheel in their relation forever .

I was trying to figure Jaaniya out . She really seemed happy with Intezah but the eyebags under her eyes told a different story .

"I don't know why they always argue about which Salvatore brother is the best",Hisham spoke beside me.

Did I forget to mention he was in my house too? .Well never mind everyone has a tendency of forgetting about  him .

"Hey do you remember the day during 10th grade when Jaani was sick and ignored us all for the first time in our life ?"

Hisham nodded , "Yeah, why?".

" Well , I only know Subhaanshi's part of the story that Shubu got annoyed by her parents comparing her with Jaani but I really don't know what exactly happened . Can you care to enlighten me ?"

" Well do you know about Jaani's real parents background story ?" , He asked trying to borrow some of my fries in the bowl but I slapped his hands away.


"Well Jaani's mother was a maid in the Goenka household and she had a really abusive husband. He used to beat them both a lot .He wanted a male child and didn't consider Jaani as his daughter ."

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