Chapter 4

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Jaani's Pov:The unconditional love you feel when you think about your best friend and can't ever imagine living without them

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Jaani's Pov:
The unconditional love you feel when you think about your best friend and can't ever imagine living without them. You've been through so much together and made so many memories. You know no matter what you two will always be there for each other and that feeling is indescribable.

Intezah was always around for me . She was the sole reason why i didnt give up my life and survived throughout the years .

Growing up , i have seen Subhaanshi becoming close to many people but some way or the other she looses touch with them over the years .

When you have a connection with someone ,it never really goes away. You snap back being important to each other because you still are .

Thats what she used to believe .

But for me I think if I've learned anything about friendship it is to hang in , stay connected , fight for them and let them fight for you.Dont walk away,dont be distracted, dont be too busy or tired,dont take them for granted .Friends are part of the glue that holds life and faith together .

"Woah Neha's official name is Nainika Verma?",Intezah inquired looking at Neha's playschool form which laid on the small table in the living room.

I nodded while putting the parathas in one microwave and the butter paneer in the next one beside it .

"So Kabir broke the K code?"

"What K code ?'' , I asked

"Y'know his family is full of members who have names starting with K like Kavya , Kabir, Krisha , Kriya. I thought he will name his kid something like Kriti to continue the K legacy".

"Well not everyone in his family though . Its only the Verma siblings who have their names starting with K. And you know Subhaanshi having a rare name herself she wouldnt let her kid have a common name."

"All of you have nice and cool names and then there is mine . So boring ", she whined .

"Intezah Qurratulain Haseeb. Are you kidding me ?"

Well her name was the one which i found different and amazing of all the names i've ever come across and here she's complaining about it .What a drama queen!

"So if Neha will have a sibling she will have a name with N too?" , Intezah asked taking out the parathas and paneer from the microwaves .

Her sudden question made me uncomfortable. I couldn't answer to that so i glanced at her and gave her a quick small smile while gathering the plates to eat.

She understood it and sighed . "You haven't told Kabir about Ananth yet?"

And it has been long since someone mentioned about my ex husband. It was a topic i avoided the most.

My silence gave Intezah the answer .

"Its okay. Im sure Kabir will be able to break through Jaani's walls and make her open up to him", Hisham stated while making his way over to the dining table from the couch.

Did i forget to mention he was present here ? Oops!

And i dont think Kabir Verma would ever care about me that much to make me open up to him .

Kabir's Pov:
When you start to get used to a person's presence around you , you slowly grow to care about them at some point .

Even though your ego wont let you accept that you care about them a little.

That's what i realised when i found Jaaniya screaming , probably having another nightmare.

I froze at my spot as my mind went blank. I didnt know what to do.

She was sobbing so badly muttering "mat maaro mujhe". Her restlessness made me restless too.


Jaani's Pov:

My eyes snap open as i'm covered in cold sweat. As my heart is pounding,i look around the room realizing Kabir is next to me with concern etched on his face.

"Are you okay?", he asks offering me a glass of water.

I nod even though i am shaking on the inside .

And then i did the most unexpected thing. I broke down into his arms getting scared and paranoid.

He embraced me and patted me gently which made me feel safe and calmed me a little bit.He kept whispering 'it's okay,i'm here' until i stopped crying .

"If you're okay now, can we stop hugging ? My neck is kinda paining." , he spoke softly which made me chuckle.

I restrain back to my normal position and thank him.

"Ah! My sisters used to have nightmares too.I know to handle girls having bad dreams . So , its no big deal in case you are wondering !" , he stated standing up.

"And all my theories about youwere wrong ." He said staring right through my soul like he was trying to figure me out .

"You arent the perfect always cheerful Jaaniya . It's all a mask isnt it ? Who are you?", He asked as if he was interrogating me.

"Trust me you dont wanna know ! Because i am person full of flaws and you dont wanna be more flawed than you already are by knowing me ."I said.

He chose to ignore me and took his laptop and started doing something while sitting on the next couch beside me .

Kabir's Pov:

I was sending some mails to my clients when Jaaniya started sobbing and screaming again .

This girl! When did she fall asleep again?

Sighing , i make my way over to her and gently pat her calling her name .

Her eyes snap open and she hugs me suddenly. She should stop doing this . It gives me a mini heart attack y'know.

I didnt complain about that as she was terrified and it would be rude to do so .

"I know i'm annoying at times . But please dont slap or beat me . I'm sorry for this . I'm sorry for everything",she said in the middle of her sobs.

And why did she think i would ever slap or beat her . No man had the right to slap a woman and it was out of my principles. Sure , i did have violent episodes and broke things out of frustration but i would never dare to hurt a woman physically.

"I wouldn't ever do that Jaani. Never". I said honestly.


How was the chapter ?

And eh Kabir is not that bad right!Sure hes a awkward man but he does a heart.

_parul_ chapter dedicated to this person cuz she made me update. Here ya go!

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