Building the Foundation

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~Wednesday Morning~

Alexa is woken up to the alarm that she set on her phone. She slowly rises out of bed and stretches before walking over to open the curtains to see the sunrise over the city of Orlando. She opens her bag and pulls out her outfit for the day before walking in to the bathroom to shower.

An hour later, She walks out after getting her clothes and makeup on. She video calls Becky. Becky answers the call with her hair a mess and barely able to keep her eyes open.

Alexa: Morning Rebecca! Oh you look a mess.

Becky: Do you know what time it is right now Alexis?

Alexa: Yea but I wanted to see if you wanted to go and get some coffee? I'm craving some Starbucks and need someone to talk to.

Becky: You woke me up at *Looks at clock* 6 AM to go get coffee?

Alexa: Oh come on Rebecca, don't be so angry. We can go get some coffee and have a little girl time.

Becky: Fine! But I will need at least 30 minutes.

Alexa: *smiling* Sweet! I'll meet you down in the lobby. Don't take forever!

Becky: *Stern look* how can you be so gitty this early?

Alexi: Just hurry up will ya? *Hangs up phone*

Becky comes to the lobby to see Alexa waiting for her in the cafe. They both get into Alexa's car and head over to the local Starbucks. They see a few fans so they take a few photos before getting their drinks and sitting in the back to hopefully not be seen by anyone else.

Becky: So why did you drag me out of bed this early? I know it wasn't just for coffee because we could have got coffee at the hotel.

Alexa: Well Uh I-I actually wanted to talk to you about Scott.

Becky: *Confused* Scott? What about him?

Alexa: Well first tell me what's he like out of the ring?

Becky: He is like a best friend. He enjoys to make people smile and laugh. The exact opposite of his in ring Character. I mean the man wouldn't hurt a fly. Why?

Alexa: Well um.

Becky: *Stares at Alexa*

Alexa: We are going to the Performance Center tomorrow and practice for our tag team match on Friday night. If me and him are going to be t-tag team partners then I t-thought of riding with him to the shows. You know like the revival and new day.

Becky: *Smirks* I don't know if you are ready for those car rides.

Alexa: What do you mean?

Becky: It's something that I can't explain it. It's different. You will just have to experience for yourself. It's nothing bad. It's will actually make you laugh.

Alexa: I have no clue what you are trying to telling me.

Becky: Trust me he is not a bad guy. He's just....Once you get to know him, he is a clown. He always fines a way to put a smile on my face. Even when I was at my lowest and thinking about leaving the business all together he was there and he was able to cheer me up and look at the brighter side of everything.

Alexa: So did you two ever date?

Becky: *Shocked* What?!! Oh no. Our time in NWA Ireland, We focused on our wrestling and that was the only thing we thought about. We use to talk about everything. I mean we became more like a brother and sister. Wait a second! Do you have a crush on him?

The Day We Met (Alexa Bliss X OC) (Complete)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin