With Arms Wide Open

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~6 Months later~

Scott woke up to his very pregnant wife  who was finally getting a little sleep since the baby had been keeping her up. Both of them decided that they wanted to wait til birth to find out the gender. Scott made sure to be by Alexis side for everything.

Scott placed his hand on Alexis stomach and could feel the baby moving around and Scott could only smile.

Scott: *kissing her stomach* I can't wait to see you.

Scott got up to get his clothes out for the day before he went to take a shower. After a hour Scott walked out of the bathroom to see his wife starting to move so he knew she was waking up. He went into the kitchen to make her some coffee.

Alexis slowly sat up in bed and looked around the bedroom before she noticed Scott walking in with a cup of coffee for her. She smiled as Scott headed her the coffee before laying down next to her.

Scott: good morning baby. Did you get much sleep?

Alexis: not really.

Scott: *Kisses his wife* why don't  you hop in the shower and I'll go down and get some breakfast made.

Alexis: Okay baby.

Scott went downstairs to get breakfast as Alexis grabbed her clothes and went into the bathroom to shower.

Alexis slowly came downstairs to joins Scott into the kitchen as he was finishing up the pancakes and eggs. Scott placed the plates down and they started some small talk.

Scott: So what do you want to do today?

Alexis: I would just like to stay in and have a movie night.

Scott: date night at home with the goddess sounds good to me.

Alexis: *smiling* maybe we can order some pizza too.

Scott: of course.

~an hour later~

Alexis was sitting out by the pool listening to music while Scott was swimming laps. The two of them were enjoying the beautiful weather when Scott heard Alexis yell out in pain.

Scott jumped out of the pool and ran over to where Alexis was. She was holding her stomach and they both looked down to see a pool of water. Scott was freaking out as he rushed upstairs to quickly changed into his clothes and brought the baby bag with him. He loaded up the car after helping Alexis in.

Scott rushed to the hospital where he helped Alexis out of the car and into a wheelchair to get inside. As they came inside the nurses took Alexis to the back so they could get her hooked up to the machines and give her some pain killers to ease the pain. Scott was calling everyone to inform them that the baby was coming. 

Scott got to where they took Alexis to and he was doing everything he could do to help. As Scott was holding her hand he could feel Alexis gripping his hand tightly as the doctors was instructing her to push. 

~3 hours Later~

 The new family member had finally arrived As Scott kissed Alexis's forehead who was trying to stay awake as she is wore out from exhaustion. Scott seen that the nurse was bringing their baby to them and she handed the baby over to Alexis. 

Nurse: Congratulations you two and say hello to you beautiful baby boy. 

Alexis: Oh My god he is so handsome. Just like his father.  

Scott: He has your eyes. 

Nurse: Have you two thought of a name?

Scott and Alexis looked at each other as they didn't have names picked out. 

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