The Unlikely Hero

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~Sunday Night~ 

Alexis was out with the girls since all the shows were done and they had the next 3 days off. Alexis booked a later flight then usual because she was still worried about her relationship with Scott. He had been trying to contact her all day but her mind was still trying to figure out what to believe. She had mixed emotions about Scott risking his job at Smackdown as she knew if he was fired then they would not be able to see each other as much but on the other hand it showed her what she meant to him. 

~At the bar~ 

Becky: *Tipsy* Alexis, Stop worrying so much about Scott, you know just like I do that he would never cheat on you. 

Alexis: *Buzzed* I am just glad I was able to talk to him without us getting into a argument, but I'm worried about tomorrow. We have not really talked about the incident and I can't stop thinking about another woman locking lips with Scott. 

Carmella:*Tipsy* Worry about that tomorrow girl, Tonight we party!

Becky: You are letting this mess with your head. 

Alexis: How am I just suppose to forget about the love of my life kissing another woman? 

Dana: I think that if you can't trust him then you shouldn't be with him because a relationship will never survive without trust. 

Alexis: *looking at the her engagement ring* I don't know what to do.   

Becky: Don't let your mind control your heart. Just do what you think is right. 

At this point Alexis had been drinking for a while and was really starting to feel the liquor get to her so she  went outside to get some privacy so she could text Scott. She was hoping he was still awake. She looked down at her ring again before she took it off and placed it in her pocket. 

Alexis👑💗: Hey Scott, You still up? 

Scott💍👑❤:  Yea just got out of the shower. 

Alexis👑💗: I wanted to ask you, Why were you yelling at Vince Friday? 

Scott💍👑❤: I was frustrated that I wasn't able to be at home. 

Alexis👑💗: Yea but that was not smart to attack him like that. He could have fired you on the spot. 

Scott💍👑❤: So, As long as I'm home and get to see you is all that matters. 

Alexis👑💗: If you get fired then you won't be able to go on the road with me. I don't know what you are thinking lately but that was a terrible decision. 

Scott💍👑❤: I don't get it with you right now. I did this for us! If I didn't do something then Vince was going have me on the road and i was going to lose you. 

Alexis👑💗: Your the reason we are at this point right now, because you couldn't keep to yourself and you got caught!

Scott💍👑❤:  We will talk about this tomorrow. 

 Alexis👑💗: Why you got a date tonight or something!

Scott💍👑❤: Good Night Alexis! 

Alexis👑💗: Whatever!

Alexis stormed back into the bar and sat next to the now drunk Becky and Carmella. Dana was the designated driver as she does not drink so Alexis ordered herself a few shots to try and calm her nerves down. A familiar face walked up to the ladies and He sat down next to Alexis. 

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