I'm Coming For You

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Scott wakes up and shuts off the alarm before heading into kitchen to get a cup of coffee. He walks right passed Alexa, Seth and Becky without even noticing them. The three of them are just watching him get his coffee before heading back to his room to get ready to shower.

Becky: Geeze Alexis, What did you do to that man? 

Alexa: *Giggled* maybe I should start making breakfast.

Becky: Let me help you. 

They two ladies started cooking while Scott was in the shower. After about 45 minutes Scott was walking out into the living room with his empty cup when he saw the three of them in the kitchen. Scott scooted passed Becky to place his cup in the sink and saw the two ladies smirking at him. 

Scott: *Confused*  Are you ladies ok? You seem a little gitty today. 

Alexa: Last night was the best night of my life, Thank You Scott.

Scott: are you talking about the date or?

Alexa: *Smirking* Oh you should be thanking me for that. 

Becky: Ok you two, why don't we eat. We heard enough out of you two last night. 

Alexa turned ghost white as Scott was sitting at the table laughing with Seth. The ladies joined them and they all continued small talk before Becky asked Scott the question. 

Becky: So Scott when do you get to come back? 

Scott: They want me to fly out to Jacksonville during SummerSlam so Hunter can have the doctors check me over and see how close I am to returning. 

Alexa: Wait so does this mean you are going to be coming to Smackdown before SummerSlam too? 

Scott: I don't see why I can't. 

Becky: Yea I know that a lot of people can't wait to see you. Has Hunter said what your storyline will be when you get back?

Scott: No not yet. He has really just been checking up on me and making sure that I am sticking to the doctors orders. 

Seth: It has been quite lonely in the back without you there. I miss watching immolate all the wrestler's taunts. 

Scott: That's me the class clown.

They finished eating and were grabbing their bags as Scott left a note for the dog sitter. They loaded up the car as they were on their way to the airport. As they got loaded up Alexa cuddled up to Scott's arm and fell asleep for the 3 hour flight. 

Becky: So you didn't want to tell her that you are returning tonight? 

Scott: Well I'm just going to do a segment for Summerslam. I know that she is not going to like that I will return to the ring against Brock again. 

Becky: You got to understand where she is coming from though Scott. She had to go on the road for 6 months without you so of course she don't want to see you hurt or worse end your career before it gets started. 

Scott: I know but I am going to be ready for him this time. I have my eyes on the prize. 

Becky: I hope you know what your doing. 

~In the Arena~

Scott went in with the Doctors and management while Alexa was back at the locker room getting ready tonight for her match with Peyton Royce. She was worried that Scott may be shut down again if they find any small issues. After about an hour she decided to walk down to Makeup to get ready. She walked past catering and seen that Scott was surrounded by a bunch of the other superstars that were congratulating him on his engagement. Scott seen Alexa and he blew her a kiss while she smiled before walking to make up. 

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