My world is Crumbling

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~A Week since Last chapter~

Scott was finishing a charity event as WWE has had him running around all over the place and he had not been able to get home. He has not been able to see Alexis except for at live events and Smackdown. Scott didn't want to bring there issues back to the show because he didn't want to get either one of them get in trouble but Scott was getting frustrated because Scott has asked for time off but he has been denied by Vince. 

Scott headed back to the hotel as he had to get ready for Smackdown Live and he was going to get to the bottom of this. At every event the past week, Scott has been fed to Strowman every single time. 

~With Alexis~

She has been spending a lot of time with her friends so she could try to clear her head but she was unable to get Scott of her mind. She read all the messages and listening to all his voicemails but she didn't reply as she didn't know what to do. 

Alexis woke up and turned the alarm off before getting out of bed. She walked over to the kitchen and started to make a pot of coffee and she got kinda bummed as Scott always had it ready for her. She opened her phone and checked her social media. She kept looking at the post that Scott had posted the night that everything started to fall apart. She looked at all the photos and started to get teary-eyed as she wanted her best friend back. 

She closed her phone and finished her coffee before heading to the bathroom to get ready for the show. Her and Nikki were defending their tag team championships against Bayley and Sasha banks in the main event. She looked down at her ring again as she just stood under the water. 

~With Scott~ 

He was dressed and all ready to go so he grabbed his bags and headed to the lobby. As he came out of the elevator to the lobby he seen some fans waiting by the car but he walked past them and loaded up his car before climbing into the diver seat and leaving. 

As he pulled up to the arena he parked in the furthest spot as she was dreading walking into the building and talking to the bosses. He did not know how it was going to go but all he was thinking about was talking to his fiancee.  So he walked into the arena and dropped off his bags at his locker room. 

They would share a locker room but wouldn't talk to each other while at work as last time got bad. He left the locker room and walked down the hall to find Vince's office. As he walked up the secretary stopped him. 

Secretary: Do you have an appointment? 

Scott: Can you just tell him I need to talk to him? It's important. 

Secretary: One moment. 

She knocked on the door before entering. Scott could hear a little bit of the two of them talking before he heard Vince yell of him to come in. Scott walked into the room and sat in a chair across from Vince as he was finishing up some paperwork. The secretary closed the door leaving the two of them alone. 

Vince: So Scott, how can I help you? 

Scott: Vince I really need a week or two off, I have been having some issues at home that really need my attention. 

Vince: What is going on? I might be able to work with you but I haven't been told why you need the time off. You are the Universal champion and I can't just have you gone all the time because I am not going to have another part time champion. 

Scott: It's between me and Alexis, our relationship is really rocky right now and I want some time off so that I can try to talk to her while we both are home. 

Vince: Can't this wait til after No Mercy? If you give me that much then I will give you the time off. 

Scott: I can't wait that long, I may not have a fiancée by that time.  

The Day We Met (Alexa Bliss X OC) (Complete)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin