And hence I would say that this vacation was successful.

As the separation provided both our idiots time to figure out their feelings and finally...finally admit that they liked each other.

The next day,Taehyung and his family returned to Seoul.

Taehyung hasn't told any of his friends that he's back and will be attending the uni tomorrow.
He wanted to see what would their reactions be.Especially the reaction of a certain raven haired alpha.

The next day....

Taehyung got up and was in his high spirits to go to uni today.
He did his morning routine,got dressed up and went to eat breakfast with his parents.

"Woah!Slow down Tiger!!"his appa said.
"Looks like someone's really excited to go to college today huh?"Baekhyun said.

Taehyung just nodded his head,as he was unable to speak because his mouth was filled with his mommy's yummy brekkie.

"Come on,I'll drop you baby"Chanyeol said.

Taehyung retrieved his bag,put on his shoes and went with his father.

On the other hand,Jungkook showed no excitement for going to college.

He saw no reason in going~~as his someone special wasn't there

He woke up lazily,put on whatever clothes he saw and grabbed some breakfast before going out.

He passed by Yugyeom's house but didnt wait as he knew that Yug wasn't in his house right now.He has gone to his parents hometown for 3 days now.

He also recalled that him and Yugyeom hadn't had a proper talk lately.

Both were busy in their own work.Jungkook will be turning 20 next month and will find his mate.

He was next in line to become the head alpha and his father wanted to teach him everything to become a good leader,which resulted in more work and thats why he couldn't spend time with Yug.

Also,Jungkook felt like Yugyeom was low-key avoiding him.After all that drama Yugyeom told him about,they didn't talked about it again.

Jungkook sighed as he felt like he was drifting apart from his best friend.He didn't wanted to lose Yugyeom.

Unaware of the fact that once he knows the truth,he would himself go away from Yug.

After about 20 minutes he reached college and went to his first class.

He showed no enthusiasm in attending college and the reason---you know the reason.It was the  omega,whom Jungkook was missing very badly.

However,today his wolf Night seemed pretty excited to go to college,it was like something was going to happen.

So he sighed,and went on attending his classes.

Taehyung had arrived uni after Jungkook.
On the way,he received a message in their group,which the professor has created.
The professor told the students that he won't be able to come to uni today and just like that his first class was canceled.

So he had nothing to do,and figured his friends might be in their class,thats why he went to the cafeteria.

He sat down on a table by himself,there were a few people at this time in the cafeteria.

He took out his headphones and was about to plug in to listen to some music when he saw a group of girls entering the cafeteria.

But that wasn't the reason why he stopped,it was because he heard the name of someone being discussed by them.And that someone was the person whom he has come to like recently.

So,he plugged his earphones but didn't played the music.He wanted to listen to what they were saying about his Jungkook.

He saw one girl talking and all the other girls were listening to her and had surrounded her.

"Tell us please tell us more!!!!How is Jungkook as a boyfriend!!!?"One of the girls asked the girl who was surrounded.

Then that girl started:"He's so cute,you know.He's such a gentleman and acts all shy in front of others but Jungkook is not like that when he's with me.He's really clingy and overprotective over me.He loves me so much!!! After all I'm his girlfriend!!!"

She said in a smug voice.

Taehyung heard her word by word.

These words were ringing in his ears.

What even happened in this one week he was gone.Cuz last time he checked Jungkook was definitely single and in just one week he's got himself a girlfriend.

'Wow,Jeon Jungkook whatta man you are!!!!'he thought to himself.

At that moment he felt like a fool,cuz literally three days ago,he admitted to himself that he liked Jungkook.
And now he comes back to find that he has a fucking girlfriend.

There were many questions running in Taehyung's mind,and only one man can answer those.....

Side Story(with Yugyeom)

Yugyeom knew he has betrayed his best friend's trust and he was purposely avoiding Jungkook so that he didn't had to face him.

When his parents asked if he wanted to visit their hometown,he immediately agreed.

A little getaway would be nice.He thought.

He was roaming around the streets late at night,and then he found a park,so he went to sit there.
He was thinking about his life decisions and that shit,when he smelled something delicious.

Uh-oh!!!!It has been a few months since Yug turned 20 but he hasn't found his mate yet.

So when he smelled that scent his only guess was that he has found his mate.

And he was right....he saw someone standing away from him.......and he knew that he has found his.......Mate.

A/n~do I sense drama between Taekook.

And you guys didn't forget about Yugyeom right?

Hope you guys like it.

Thankyou so much for reading💜💜

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