it's okay to be sad

13 4 2

The sun sets at
the horizon

Screaming colors of
orange and red
in the wide sky

The stars twinkling
so bright at the
vast sky

The bright crescent
moon setting itself
on its throne

But there you are
my dear friend,
crying again alone

Look up on the
sky, see the stars
sparkling so bright,
even the darkness
dominating the time

It's okay to be
sad and cry
but my dear friend,
don't dwell too
long to it

It's okay to feel
hatred, anger,
regret and confusion
but please don't
let the darkness
swallow your heart

You might miss
the fireflies dancing
freely in the air

You might miss
the gorgeous
blooming flowers
in your mother's
flower pots

Hear Me, My FireflyKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat