Colors of Love

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A single word that
had so many meanings.
You can describe it by words.
And you can felt it by actions.

It can fix someone's heart.
And can break someone's heart.

It can save someone's life.
It can also end someone's life.

It is pure but also stained.

Some love story ends with a
Happy ending.
But some love story ends with a
Tragic ending.

Some of the love story is just
For a while.
Some of the love story is for

It makes us stronger.
And makes us weak sometimes.

Sometimes, it is not understandable.
Because it makes us hate but love
at the same time.

It makes us feel both heaven and hell.

Some love story teach us
that love is sacrifice,
but it is also a thief,
and sometimes it's a gift.

Love makes us feel selfishness.
A jealousy.
And someone told us it should
be selflessness.

But there is one thing
that I know.
That our heart is like a
Porcelain vase.
Brand new and beautiful
once it will fall
- broken and shattered.
It is not easy to fix.

Yes, you can fix it.
Put a glue and
connect it.
Like a puzzle,
but you see-
it will never be the same.

In love, there is trust.
It is very pure and clean
like a water.
On the virgin river,
once the river is poisoned.
It takes a long time
to recover.
Or it will never be healed.

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