He came up to the decision that he would apologize to Jungkook in uni today.

It was weird to him,because he knew Jungkook was at fault and he did nothing but defended himself.Still the need to apologize to Jungkook won't go away.

It has never happened before.....

But all those plans were thrown out of the window,when he heard his parents say that they were going on a surprise vacation to Jeju.

He even asked them if it was a joke.But their facial reactions told him it wasn't a joke.Also he saw the bags packed and wondered since when have his parents planned this!!!!!

So instead of getting ready to uni,Taehyung got ready to leave for Jeju.

He thought it would be a good idea,to go to some other place for a few days.
He has been through a lot lately and a vacation would help him clear his mind.

Also maybe he could take his mind off a certain alpha,who seemed to have made a permanent place in Taehyung's mind.As he would always think about him......(you already know who I'm talking about😏)

While he was getting ready,he received a call from Jimin.
Jimin asked him if he was doing fine and would he be coming to college?
Taehyung told him about the trip and Jimin wished him a "Happy Journey"and hung up.

With Jungkook.....

"For how many days is he gone????"Jungkook asked Jimin as they sat in the cafeteria.

"He said he didn't even knew for how long his parents wanted to stay.But he hoped it would be soon"Jimin told him.

'Great.Just fucking great.He's away from me and I don't even know for how many days I won't see him'Jungkook thought.

"Hyung,do you have any idea like how many days his soon would be???"Jungkook asked with desperation.

Jimin and Yoongi just passed each other amusing smiles on seeing Jk's behavior.

"What's the matter Kook,why are you so desperate"Yoongi said in a teasing tone.


"Yes,we're are listening,go on"

"I just want to apologize to him for my behavior yesterday"he said guilt lacing his voice.

The couple just smiled,seeing that Jungkook was sorry for what he did and wanted to apologize.

"If thats the matter,then I can give you his number,and you can text him,maybe call him and apologize,you know!!!!!"Jimin said.

'Number.Oh no.I want to apologize to him face to face.I'll say sorry when he's back'Jk thought.

"No Hyung,its fine,I will wait for him to come back"

"As you wish!"and Yoonmin couple left him only for Jungkook to call them back.

"Hyung wait!!!!I think I'll take his number"

Yoongi and Jimin gave him a teasing smile.

"Oh,but I thought you were gonna wait"yoongi said.

Jungkook's cheeks felt warm and he avoided their gaze.

"I thought just in case Hyung,you know"he said.

"Kookie,no need to be shy we are your hyungs"saying this Jimin sent Jungkook Taehyung's number.

Jungkook thanked him and went away.

He saved his number in his phone and smiled as he saw the contact name~"my sassy omega"

The night.....

Taehyung and his family arrived in jeju that evening and currently they were in their rooms as they all were tired from all the traveling.

Taehyung was tired,but he couldn't fall asleep.No matter how much he tried,he just couldn't.

So he went to the window in his room and sat by it staring at the moon and the light it reflected.

Thoughts of Jungkook invaded his mind again.And he admitted that he was missing the alpha.

"What is happening to me Moon Goddess???
Why can't I get rid of him???
Why do I want him close to me so bad??
I have never felt like this,this is all so new for me!!!
I'm scared to be honest!
You will help me in figuring this right??????"he asked to the moon in the sky.

"I wonder if he's missing me too?or what is he even doing right now"?he said to himself.

Not knowing that Jungkook was doing the same thing as him~thinking about Taehyung while sitting in his room and staring up at the moon.

"I miss him,I miss him so bad"Jungkook said.

He thought he would call Tae or at least text him,but he couldn't muster up the courage to do so.

So he resolved to sitting at the balcony and ranting his thoughts to the moon goddess.

"Just be safe,and come back to me soon!!!"he mumbled.

That night the moon witnessed the beginning of a love story and the moon goddess smiled at them.

A/n~what do you guys think of this chapter???
I just want Taekook to fall in love and confess their feelings already😌

Jungkook-so why don't you do it then I'm tired of this.

Me-patience Kook,patience.

Jungkook-screw your patience.

Me-OK bye!!!you brat

Can anyone suggest me any remedies for tooth ache.Please tell me if you guys know anything.
I'm in pain.

Hope you like it.

Thankyou so much for reading💜💜

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