'This is a nightmare, right?'

Aurene wasn't exactly suffering when her own classmates bullied her all day, but seeing her only friend being dragged into the farce suddenly makes her heart feels heavy.

"E-Erika.. you wouldn't do it, right?" Aurene managed to stutter out, fear began to creep up her spine.

"I'm-I'm sorry, Aurene... I-I had to do this-"

Erika's voice was drowned out as water poured down on Aurene, completely soaking her wet.

'That's it.'

All of the students cheered, with some throwing flours onto her. She doesn't know where the packets of flour suddenly came, but she couldn't care less. The only things that came to her mind was the regret of choosing this so-called prestigious school. The regret of choosing her freedom instead of staying with her sister.

'I should've listened to Arlene,' Aurene gritted her teeth.

Aurene snapped out of her thoughts when her surroundings suddenly quietened down. 

Too quiet for her own liking.

She turned around, facing a newly-arrived faces that she may have seen around somewhere after her transfer. No. She knew them. Especially the golden haired male that seems to lead the group.

S Class. The manipulator of the school web.

"What's happening here?" a black haired girl with a red ribbon adorning her hair asked, or more to exclaimed. She even had the audacity to look shocked.

When no one answered, three figures crouched down to the wet Aurene, offering her hands of help and words of comfort.

But Aurene was too focused staring at the golden blob of hair, as if entranced by the person.

Entranced with hatred.

Instead of offering her a hand, the male went past her with a word that struck Aurene to her core.


The world was in a slow motion as the seemingly frail and weak girl stood on her ground, walked slowly towards the golden boy who had his back on her, then Aurene clenched her fist tightly before punching the boy with all her might.

 A punch so strong that even the boy was thrown to the floor.

The boy angrily turned around while rubbing the back of his head, facing the disheveled girl who dusted her skirt nonchalantly, like she hasn't just punched the most popular boy in the school.

"You sure looked relaxed as if you're not the one who started all these," Aurene spat, no more stuttering. "If it is war that you want, then bring it on. But don't you dare make others do the dirty work for you! Come and face me anytime like a man, Jahad!"

No one dared to stop the fuming girl, as she stomped out of the cafeteria to who-knows-where.


Aurene sighed as she drawled on the quiet staircase, her clothes white from the flours. 

"Stupid Jahad. Stupid S Class. Stupid school. Stupid, stupid, all of them are stupid."

Good thing the emergency staircase was empty, or someone would have her head for insulting the-

"Can you keep it down? I'm trying to sleep here."

"EEEEKKK!" Aurene squealed, as she turned towards the source of deep voice. An unfamiliar voice. "Who-who are you?"

The figure sat up, covering his mouth as he yawned. He's handsome, Aurene could admit. But that doesn't change the fact that he heard all of her complaints that shouldn't be said in the school.

'Should I silence him?' Aurene contemplated, as she cracked her fist.

"Hmm? Why are you so.. white? Are you trying to rival Hon or something?" the blue haired male deducted, after finally getting a clear view of the culprit who interrupted his nap.

"R-rival who? Why would I do that?" Aurene managed to stutter out, still baffled by the man's sudden appearance.

They had a long staring contest before the man suddenly unbutton his shirt, astonishing the girl.

"W-what are you doing?!" Aurene exclaimed, suddenly feeling her body temperature rise up.

"Hm? Giving my shirt to you? Don't you feel uncomfortable in those wet clothes?" Eduan replied with a matter-of-fact tone, continuing to do his business.

Aurene was dumbfounded. Sure she was wet and white with all the flours but it's not like her undergarments were visible or anything! Her blazer did a good job protecting her body.

"I'm fine! I can change to my gym clothes after this! Stop unbuttoning-" Aurene quickly covered her eyes from witnessing the abs the blue haired man possessed. 

"You're changing after this right? So wear this in the meantime."

Aurene couldn't see the man, but she can already guessed the man was probably handing over his shirt, and himself being shirtless.

"Ugh, fine! I'll change now! So please, just put your shirt back on!"


Aurene sighed as she exited the female changing room, fresh after a brief shower and a change into her gym clothes. The female glanced at the blue haired male who was leaning against the wall beside the door.

"Oh, you're actually gorgeous," the man who introduced himself as Khun Eduan commented, a hand on his chin.

Instead of feeling flattered, Aurene couldn't help but feel annoyed by his presence. Who won't feel crept out when a man insisted on following her around, even after she reasoned that she was going to change her clothes? Aurene sure did.

"So, when are you going to stop following me?" the girl grumbled, as she walked back to her class. The bell already rang a long time ago, but she still feels that attending classes is a must. She is a student after all.

"You seems interesting. So maybe forever?"

"I'm not sure if that's an attempt to woo me, but even if it was, please don't. I'm already having a bad day and having some random stranger following me around won't make it better," Aurene sighed. "Plus, don't you have any classes right now?"

Eduan whistled, looking away. "Classes are boring."

Aurene face-palmed at the reply, fighting the urge to slap the male that she just met earlier.

'Come to think of it, why do I feel like I've seen him somewhere?' Aurene side-glanced the male, observing Eduan properly for the first time.

But her thoughts were interrupted as the buzzing noise of the school intercom resonates, stopping the two in their tracks.

"Attention to Aurene Grace of class 1-D, please head to the principal's office right now. I repeat-"

"Why is the principal looking for you? Did you do something?" Eduan asked.

Aurene's face went pale as she looked down to the ground, unable to face Eduan. "I-I'm pretty sure I didn't do anything- Oh no," the girl covered her mouth, as she reminisced back the memory when she punched a certain someone.

"Earth to Aurene?" Eduan waved his hand in front of Aurene's pale face.

"I'm dead."

Changing Life -A Tower of God FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now