"Where it At though"😳

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As Dora looked down she noticed 1 thing...

Swipers "𝓟𝓮𝓮𝓷" was gone. Like literally, it was gone.

Dora froze for a second thinking why it would be missing. Until she then remembered what she did when she was on the Maury show.

You see when Dora was on the Maury show she was shocked to find out none of the possible baby daddies were the father. Dora got so mad that she raged and Fractured Swipers Penis.

What's wrong sweetheart said swiper. Dora just looked at his face and looked back down. Oh hahah said Swiper. The doctor had to remove it...the injury was pretty bad Swiper concluded. Um how are you suppose to do anything if there is nothing there? Asked Dora. Well I haven't quite figured that out yet...hehe said Swiper. Dora was so turned off that she went to bed.

3 more months past and Swiper and Dora were still together. Dora hated every minute of it. There were so many times that Dora tried to get away from Swiper but Swiper just wouldn't let go. Dora had the perfect plan up her sleeve. She would have freedom at last.

The Dora JourneyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora