"Walmart Tingzzz" 💅

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Two years later Dora was out looking for rash cream for the mysterious rash on Diego's if you know you know. As Dora was walking around look for the cream in Walmart a familiar face appeared. It was Dora's Ex-Boyfriend swiper! Dora ran out of the isle. She ran and ran and ran, but Swiper caught her.

  See Dora broke up with Swiper due to the fact that Dora walked in on swiper having intercourse with his sister "Swipette", twice, and before she left him Swiper said I'll come out to get you when I see you again. Dora was in big trouble. Dora screamed louder and louder, but it was as if no customer could see or hear her. Swiper took Dora to the top of the Walmart. They both had a special and intimate time on the W of the Walmart sign .

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